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macos - How do you write a Dictionary to a plist with system privs?

I am writing a program that needs to write a plist file that's owned by root.

The way to create the file is apparently using authopen with the -w option. The problem is that authopen takes its input from stdin (or sends its permissions back using the SCM_RIGHTS extension to the calling process). There's also an option that uses something called the "Authorization External Form" structure which I don't quite understand.

In any event, what I would like to do is write my plist to a temporary file and then to use authopen or a similar authorization mechanism to do a privileged rename of the file in question.

So I need a way to either:

  1. Write the NSDictionary to a pipe, rather than to a file.
  2. Write the NSDictionary to a file, then provide that file to the authopen process as stdin.
  3. Use authopen to do a rename

or something else.

Is there any code for doing this?


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linux - Linux 上的 authopen 等价物是什么?

我想暂时提升程序的权限,以便我可以写入设备文件(通常是像 on/dev/sdc等的 SDCard)。在 OSX 上,我可以运行authopen请求用户许可(如有必要)并取回打开的文件句柄。目前,该程序是通过sudo在 Linux 上调用的,但有人问我是否有可能消除对授予权限的需求sudo或至少减少授予的权限数量。这可能吗?例如,authopen在 Linux 上是否有等效的策略,或者程序使用的策略是否不同?