问题标签 [asyncstorage]
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javascript - AsyncStorage 返回不正确的值
我对本机反应非常陌生,可能完全错误。正如反应本机文档所建议的那样,我正在为我的 AsyncStorage 使用包装器。我在做什么:
我有一个名为 Storage 的类,它用作 AsyncStorage 代码的包装器:
/li>另一个类 Auth 使用密钥 auth (已保存)代码查找值:
理想情况下,密钥“auth”的值存在,因此它应该打印“Authkey exists”并且应该将 keyExists 返回为 true。但它恰恰相反。
在 promise 对象内的代码执行之前就返回了。
我看过几个示例,但它们都在 Screen 组件本身上使用 AsyncStorage(我也尝试过但失败了)。我想通过使用我的存储类来抽象出 AsyncStorage。请让我知道我在哪里弄错了。
javascript - Navigator & AsyncStorage react native
Hello i'm new in react native and currently learn about AsyncStorage.
I want to implement conditional to render navigator. If there's value key in AsyncStorage, the initial route go to Page2 and if there's no value key in AsyncStorage, the initial route go to Page1.
If i close the app and re-open again, I want it shows me the corresponding page whether there is a key. please help.
Here's what i've done so far:
react-native - React Native - 如何查看 AsyncStorage 中存储的内容?
React Native 中,并且我正在使用 chrome 调试器和 iOS 模拟器。
项目Chrome Debugger > Resources > Local Storage
知道如何查看 React NativeAsyncStorage
ios - AsyncStorage 数据是否可供 AppGroup 中的其他应用程序使用?
我似乎找不到任何有关如何使 AsyncStorage 值可用于我的应用程序组中的其他应用程序的文档。特别是,我有一个键盘扩展,我想访问在核心应用程序中检索到的用户数据。
react-native - default values from initial state are loaded before store rehydrates with redux-persist
I'm having trouble accessing saved data after app starts with redux-persist.
The reducer initializes with data defined in my initial state. By the time the previous session's state loads with AsyncStorage, the component is already displayed with the default data.
I know that the data is saved and fetched successfully. If I leave the screen to a different one and come back to it, I can see that the data is displayed correctly. Debugging the state and props also shows that this is a async timing issue.
How can I delay the loading of the redux containers to after the store rehydrates. Alternatively, can I force update the conatainer (and its children) to update when the store finishes loading?
Here is what I've tried. to configure my store:
Hoping that this will update all other components (since all reducers in redux are called in an action), I've tried creating an action that triggers when the store finishes loading:
And it's reducer: import { REHYDRATE_STORE } from '../actions/types' const initialState = { storeIsReady: false }
But although the storeIsReady state changes to true when rehydration is complete, I'm still couldn't figure out how to force update the container component.
react-native - React Native - 将新项目推送到现有的 AsyncStorage 密钥?
这样存储的 10 个国家/地区的列表:
and data
react-native - React Native 的异步存储安全吗?
我想将敏感数据本地存储在 React Native 应用程序中。
javascript - 承诺返回未定义的 AsyncStorage
我有一个 react-native 应用程序,我在其中进行一些身份验证。
javascript - React Native AsyncStorage getItem 返回承诺而不是值
我有一个登录表单,我可以发布表单值。在成功的 POST 请求之后,我得到了从 API 返回的身份验证令牌。我需要将此令牌保存在本地存储中以供将来参考。为了保存这个身份验证令牌,我使用了 AsyncStorage。我使用AsyncStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, responseData.auth_token);
setItem 方法来保存数据。
它像这样作为 promise 对象返回
: 目的
如何从 AsyncStorage.getItem 方法中获取确切值?
javascript - 在本机反应中擦除 AsyncStorage
我注意到由于redux-persist,我在调试我在react-native中坚持的redux操作浪费了一定的时间。有时我只想擦除 AsyncStorage 以节省一些开发时间并尝试使用新数据。AsyncStorage
编辑:最好的情况下,解决方案应该适用于模拟器和真实设备、iOS 和 Android。对于不同的平台,可能有不同的解决方法。