问题标签 [aspnetboilerplate]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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aspnetboilerplate - 无法从最新模板启动 ASP.NET 样板前端

我昨天(2017 年 8 月 15 日)创建了一个新模板,在安装了所有前端依赖项后npm install,我在运行时npm start遇到了很多错误,例如:



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authentication - 如何为 ASP.NET 样板使用外部身份验证?

我想为我的项目使用外部身份验证。谁能告诉我如何为 ASP.NET 样板使用外部身份验证?

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aspnetboilerplate - Asp.Net 样板启动模板 - 文化问题

我已经下载了 ASP.NET Boilerplate 的启动模板。





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aspnetboilerplate - ASP NET 样板,登录保存在 ABPSession

我是 asp net 样板框架的新手,我创建了一个新的 mvc 项目多页 Web 应用程序,没有模块零。

我想使用 AbpSession 类,据我所知,该类在接管 Thread.CurrentPrincipal 的用户 ID 内。

但是,我不明白登录后如何将用户标识保存在 Thread.CurrentPrincipal 中。

我在网络中搜索过,找到了几种解决方案,但是在 AbpSession 类中,用户 id 始终为空。


这是我第一次使用主体和身份,尽管有文档记录,但我不太了解如何将它们与 asp net 样板一起使用,并且我没有找到示例代码。



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aspnetboilerplate - 扩展 ClaimsAbpSession

我需要扩展ClaimsAbpSession并创建要在 Angular 应用程序和服务器之间的请求中发送的新属性。


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aspnetboilerplate - How do I build a generic IEventHandler?

I've read https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/EventBus-Domain-Events and also ABP's implementation of Entity event handlers https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/tree/f10fa5205c780bcc27adfe38aaae631f412eb7df/src/Abp/Events/Bus/Entities

I have spent 8 hours at work trying to find a solution to my issue, but I failed to succeed.

I have certain entities that point to a single entity called DatumStatus, which records certain actions that generate different states, such as: approved, modified, reviewed, archived, etc.

I am trying to generate a generic EventHandler capable of modifying its status based on these actions.

An example based on a algorithm:

The handler itself would, in turn, handle this state transition

The problem is, I need to write a generic ApproveEventData and handler capable of firing the same HandleEvent for every single entities.

The "closest" I got is:

The implementation above failes when casting the repository.

Could someone shed some light? Thanks!

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c# - ASP.NET 样板 .NET Core 2

尝试将ASP.NET Boilerplate项目从升级.NET Core 1.x.NET Core 2.0



System.TypeLoadException:'无法从程序集'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication,Version =,Culture = Neutral,PublicKeyToken = adb9793829ddae60'加载类型'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.SharedAuthenticationOptions'。'

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aspnetboilerplate - 错误“必须在使用前设置 UnitOfWorkManager”

我正在 ASP.NET 样板引擎中开发服务并从主题中获取错误。正如文档所暗示的那样,错误的性质尚不清楚,因为我从 ApplicationService 继承。编码:


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asp.net - 获取所有具有特定权限的用户?


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asp.net - 如何在asp样板中的现有表中添加列?


然后在 Pm 控制台中运行命令 Update-Database 。但并不成功。如您所知,样板文件不提供实体类来编辑列。请帮助提前谢谢