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asp.net-mvc - 从 t4 脚手架模板访问我的模型中的元数据(数据注释)

如何从 T4 脚手架模板访问我的 asp.net mvc 模型类中的元数据(dataannotations 属性)?

我正在尝试读取 T4 模板中的 ScaffoldColumn 属性,因此它应该知道是否必须在索引视图中呈现某些列


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powershell - 从 PowerShell 调用 EnvDTE.TextSelection.FindPattern 失败,类型不匹配





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visual-studio-2010 - 尝试在 ASP.NET MVC3 中创建新控制器时出现 IDE 异常

我在 MVC3 项目中为一些功能创建了一个“区域”,然后改变了主意。我没有看到从我的项目中删除“Areas”的方法,所以我只是删除了“Areas”文件夹。现在,当我尝试创建一个新控制器时,我在 VS2010 Ultimate 中收到此异常消息:

使用“1”参数调用“GetControllerScaffolders”的异常:“管道关闭后无法调用 WriteObject 和 WriteError 方法。请联系 Microsoft 支持服务”


  • 我知道我之前在这个项目上使用这种方法添加了一个控制器。
  • 我至少有一个月没有添加控制器了。
  • 我刚刚创建了一个新的 MVC3 项目并尝试添加一个控制器并得到了相同的异常
  • 最近没有安装新的扩展。
  • 最近没有更新 VS2010 或 MVC 框架。



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asp.net-mvc - MvcScaffolding one-many relationship

I'm using MVC 4, EF 4.3 and the MVCScaffolding package.

I have following simple model classes

I scaffolded out the controllers like so:

This generated the controllers/views etc.

Per Steve sanderson's post I would think that the _CreateOrEdit.cshtml for the Product would contain a dropdown for the Category but it does not.

Followng are the contents of the _CreateOrEdit.cshtml and it does not contain any html template for the Category

What am I doing wrong?

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asp.net-mvc-3 - 如何将 asp.net MVC Scaffolder 与从 dbcontext 向下两个子类的上下文一起使用


我有一个从 dbcontext 继承的基本上下文类,以添加一些我需要的功能。


我想在创建控制器时使用内置的脚手架,但我收到错误“不支持的上下文类型”如果我将数据上下文更改为直接从 dbcontext 继承它可以工作,但此时我有很多东西使用添加了功能,因此如果不注释掉所有这些东西,就无法更改继承。而且我当然已经简化了功能,它实际上是很多东西,所以直接将它添加到数据上下文中会做很多工作,而且脚手架应该足够聪明,可以看到数据上下文是一个 dbcontext。


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c# - MvcScaffolding: Adding Default Datetime Field & Current User Field (from Forms Authentication)

I'm working on a project that uses MvcScaffolding to build a quick CRUD interface (many thanks to Steven Sanderson), but I'm having trouble adding two 'code-first' fields (I normally work in SQL Server and know very little about C#).

I'd like to add a column for the SQL equivalent of DEFAULT (getdate()), and a varchar field for representing the name of the user logged in on via Forms Authentication on the project (I believe this is storing HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, but I'm not certain).

The end goal is to allow users to log in; create a new record & save; and then the list/index page only returns records where their username is stored in the CreatedBy field (in SQL, something like WHERE CreatedBy = <HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name>).

Any suggestions appreciated!

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asp.net-mvc-3 - 即使文件不存在,MVC3/T4 自定义脚手架也会给出文件存在错误

我已经为 MVC3 编写了一个自定义脚手架,使用 T4 模板为作为参数传递给脚手架的数据库和表的删除存储过程搭建脚手架。当我运行脚手架时,会在正确的位置创建输出文件,但出现以下错误:

Invoke-ScaffoldTemplate:无法添加“UpdateCustomerCoupon.sql”。已存在具有该名称的文件。在 line:1 char:23 + param($c, $a) return 。<<<< $c @a + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Invoke-ScaffoldTemplate], COMException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : T4Scaffolding.Cmdlets.InvokeScaffoldTemplateCmdlet


这是脚手架的 PowerShell 脚本:

这是 T4 模板代码:

我通过在包管理器控制台中键入“ Scaffold DeleteSQL -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -TableName $TableName ”来调用脚手架。

我还尝试使用 -Force 选项调用脚手架,如下所示:“ Scaffold DeleteSQL -DatabaseName $DatabaseName -TableName $TableName -Force ”。我也使用了“ -Force true ”和“ -Force:true ”,但没有成功。还要注意 $Force 参数无论如何都设置为 true,所以我认为它应该默认覆盖,对吧?



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asp.net-mvc-3 - 无法使用 SqlServer CE 4.0 为实体生成控制器:ScaffoldingConnectionFactory 错误

我感觉SqlServer CE 4.0无需安装即可与 MVC 3 一起使用。事情进展顺利。我已经成功集成了 Troy Goode 的MembershipStarterKit以及 ErikEJ 的SqlServerCEMembership提供程序。两者都在寻找。现在我有一个现代课程:



我已经尝试了 EntityFrameWork.SqlServerCompact 包的 4.3.0 和 4.3.2 版本,但仍然出现错误。我的方法有什么问题?


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ruby-on-rails - (Rails) I have 2 models, Area (parent) & RadioStation (child). How might I pull an Area object's name in a Station form using an :area_id foreign key?

I have two "CRUD" forms generated by the "rails g scaffold ModelName type:attribute1, type2:attribute2" command, which is quite powerful.

I'll try to just show what is relevant. First here are my models (attr_accessible tells the db migration stories for the most part)

Next, here is the _form.html.erb for a Station object (currently I'm using a simple drop down which is OK, but I want those :area_id tags to somehow be able to pull the Area.find(params[:area_id]).name, or something like that. If '1' is Denver and '2' is Boulder, I want '1` to pull 'Denver' and so on on the Station _form.

So here is stations_controller.rb, which was generated by the "generate scaffold" command for the most part.

Lastly, here is the _form.html.erb for Station

So to reiterate my goal/question, what I have currently for the :area_id selector is a dropdown bar which allows me to select from 1.."Area.count". I would like that drop down bar to list the names of the the different areas given the area_id.

Also, I'd like to be able to see a list of Station objects which are "owned" by a given area on the list of areas or perhaps just on the show.html.erb for a given Area.

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asp.net-mvc - ASP.NET MVCScaffolding 很慢

我们尝试使用 ASP.NET MVC Scaffolding ( http://blog.stevensanderson.com/2011/01/13/scaffold-your-aspnet-mvc-3-project-with-the-mvcscaffolding-package , http:// mvcscaffolding.codeplex.com/)。很棒的工具,但是请任何建议,为什么它这么慢?空项目中简单模型的脚手架(如本教程中所述)大约需要 15 秒,这仍然可以接受,但是在我们根据自定义元数据属性添加了一些脚手架逻辑之后,具有一些的模型的脚手架 -多对多关系需要 5 分钟或更长时间,这使得它无法使用。无论如何要提高性能?