问题标签 [arel]
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ruby-on-rails - 复杂的arel查询
如何获取某个标签(我知道 tag.id)的所有文章(套件和产品),并加载产品的类别(避免 n+1)?
ruby-on-rails - arel,如何加入
使用 Rails 3 堆栈,我如何查询“拥有”产品的所有类别?
ruby-on-rails - 如何创建一个范围来查找“零帖子的作者”?
使用 Rails 3,这个范围可以按预期工作:
生成的 SQL 为:
sql - Arel 导致聚合无限循环
我无法使用 Arel 在同一个查询中聚合 2 列。当我运行它时,整个服务器会冻结一分钟,然后 rails dev-server 崩溃。我怀疑一个无限循环:)。
也许我误解了 Arel 的整个概念,如果有人能看一下,我将不胜感激。
该查询的预期结果是这样的: [{:user_id => 1, :sum_account_charges => 300, :sum_paid_debts => 1000},...]
sql - What just happened to Arel and what do I do with an Arel::SelectManager?
I'm desperately trying to make sense of Arel, mostly because I hate dealing with SQL; I was doing so well, but I've hit a wall.
I've been working in Rails 3.0.0, and I'm trying to make a complex query with some math in it. The real case is rather more complex, but I've simplified a bit. In my example, I have a table with a particular string field, and I want a count of all the records, as well as a count for each of two possible values of that field, grouped by a foreign id.
Under Rails 3.0.0, I can do this (console commands):
and at this point I can do do x.to_sql and... well, I'm not entirely sure it's right, but the results look right, aside from having the foreign_id column twice.
So far so good. However, when I try to join in a second set of counts like this:
it just hangs up, leading me to think I'm hitting this bug
(btw I've got more counts to add in, and ideally 'some_thingies' should itself be an arel object representing more filtering on which thingies we're counting... but I digress...)
So, I decided to try out the latest edge Arel and Rails, and bumped up my gems accordingly:
and now when I try to do do the first join, it fails miserably:
This doesn't seem like a bug in Arel - if anything, it seems more like the fact that it worked before is the bug. I think I just don't know what an Arel::SelectManager is and what to do with it. It seemed like I was doing so well, but I really don't get what is going on.
Do I need to somehow make a new table based on the SelectManager I've got? Or am doing something wrong in my configuration which makes the [] syntax fail? Or do I just totally fail to understand what Arel does? I still don't quite get what I'm supposed to do with Arel::Rows, but I suppose I'll get the hang of that; and I suspect I can get rid of the extra foreign key in the results with a project()...
But I'm still pretty lost. Haaaaalp!
p.s. does 'railties' rhyme with 'frailties,' or with 'mail guys'?
ruby-on-rails - Rails 3 查询接口:使用关联模型
查询 Post 时,如何访问它的关联(即:comments)?
这应该是世界上最简单的事情,但我还没有找到任何关于它的文档。甚至http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/3_0_release_notes.html#query-interface和http://m.onkey.org/2010/1/22/active-record-query-interface也无济于事,基本上是说“现在有是像连接和包含这样的方法来做与 SQL 语句相同的事情。” 是的,谢谢。
如果不使用带有 SQL 气味的 ruby 代码(从而违背了 Active Record 的目的),我们如何才能做到这些?谢谢 :)
ruby-on-rails - 在多态树上找到一个父节点
所以在 IRB 中我可以做 Post.comments 或 Comment.comments。
就像在 Comment.post 中一样?
's 来获得它们。例如 :
ruby-on-rails - Rails 3 ActiveRecord 查询,返回模型的所有记录,并在单个查询中包含关联记录的计数
sql - 使用 Arel (Rails3) 的嵌套查询
例如,我有 2 个模型:
购买 (belongs_to :users) 用户 (has_many :purchases)
在 SQL 中,我会这样写:
还有一个问题:是否有任何涵盖 Arel 的完整文档或书籍?
sql - 通过 OR 或 AND 连接(胶水)条件(Arel,Rails3)
我有几个复杂的查询(使用子查询等),并希望将它们与 OR 或 AND 语句粘合在一起。
因为我有几个 where(..) 查询,我想连接它们。
我有 3 种方法:首先返回第一个位置,第二个第二个,第三个 - 或连接。
我必须能够在我的应用程序中使用所有 3 种方法并保存DRY代码