问题标签 [apriori]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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ruby - 查找仅在最后一项不同的所有频繁项集对

我正在尝试实现先验算法,并且在编写生成候选项目集的方法时遇到了麻烦。这是此功能的屏幕截图。 在此处输入图像描述

主要问题是第 2-5 行。我不知道如何获得 f1 和 f2。f1 和 f2 是最后一项不同的数组,f1 的最后一项小于 f2 的最后一项。

有人知道如何用 Ruby 编写这个吗?

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python - Algorithms for Mining Tuples of Data on huge sample space

I read that Apriori algorithm is used to fetch association rules from the dataset like a set of tuples. It helps us to find the most frequent 1-itemsets, 2-itemsets and so-on. My problem is bit different. I have a dataset, which is a set of tuples, each of varying size - as follows :

(1, 234, 56, 32) (25, 4575, 575, 464, 234, 32) . . . different size tuples

The domain for entries is huge, which means that I cannot have a binary vector for each tuple, that tells me if item 'x' is present in tuple. Hence, I do not see Apriori algorithm fitting here.

My target is to answer questions like :

  1. Give me the ranked list of 5 numbers, that occur with 234 most of the time
  2. Give me the top 5 subsets of size 'k' that occur most frequently together

Requirements : Exact representation of numbers in output (not approximate), Domain of numbers can be thought of as 1 to 1 billion.

I have planned to use the simple counting methods, if no standard algorithm fits here. But, if you guys know about some algorithm that can help me, please let me know

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data-mining - 决策树 vs 朴素贝叶斯 vs Apriori 算法和多元回归模型

这些算法有什么区别?决策树 - 朴素贝叶斯 - Apriori 算法 - 多元回归模型

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algorithm - Apriori算法-A->B和B->A应用规则的区别

A->B 和 B->A 应用规则有什么区别..


T1 面包、果冻、黄油

T2 面包、黄油

T3 面包、黄油、牛奶

T4 啤酒、面包

T5 啤酒、牛奶



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algorithm - Frequent Itemsets & Association Rules - Apriori Algorithm

I'm trying to understand the fundamentals of the Apriori (Basket) Algorithm for use in data mining,

It's best I explain the complication i'm having with an example:

Here is a transactional dataset:

The minsup for the above is 0.5 or 50%.

Taking from the above, my number of transactions is clearly 7, meaning for an itemset to be "frequent" it must have a count of 4/7. As such this was my Frequent itemset 1:


I then created my candidates for the second refinement (C2) and narrowed it down to:


This is where I get confused, if I am asked to display all frequent itemsets do I write down all of F1 and F2 or just F2? F1 to me aren't "sets".

I am then asked to create association rules for the frequent itemsets I have just defined and calculate their "confidence" figures, I get this:

It seems superfluous to put F1's itemsets in here as they will all have a confidence of 100% regardless and don't actually "associate" anything, which is the reason I am now questioning whether F1 are indeed "frequent"?

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weka - Weka - 如何删除所有值都丢失的属性?

我有一个 CSV 文件,其中包含用于市场篮子分析的数据。我已经成功地将文件导入到Weka,但是我发现有些属性没有任何值,即所有值都丢失了。Weka 不允许我对这些数据使用 Apriori 算法,所以我想知道是否有办法从导入的数据中删除这些属性。


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algorithm - 数据挖掘:先验问题。最小支撑



我的小测试数据是 5 笔交易和 10 种产品。

我的大测试数据是 1100 万笔交易和大约 2700 种产品。

问题:最小支持和过滤非频繁项。假设我们对频率为 60% 或更高的项目感兴趣。 frequency = 0.60;

当我Min-support以 60% 的频率计算一个小数据集时,算法将删除所有购买次数少于 3 次的商品。Min-support = numberOfTransactions * frequency;


所以我开始把那架飞机越来越低,运行算法很多次。但甚至没有 5% 的人给出预期的结果。我必须将频率百分比降低到 0.0005 才能获得至少 50% 的第一次迭代中涉及的项目。




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algorithm - 如何生成以下序列?


一般来说,给定一组 n 个数字,我必须找到 (n-1) 个数字的所有可能子集,并限制它们按字母顺序排列(数字按顺序排列)。


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machine-learning - 给定物品列表,预测要出售的物品



假设对于 cx 客户,我们需要推荐产品,因为我们有 cx 从上述集合中购买的数据,并且我们运行 apriori 来找出推荐,但是对于大数据集,它非常慢?


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python - Python:DIY将此“all_subsets”函数推广到任何大小的子集

数据关联规则矿实现一个玩具Apriori 算法,我需要一个函数来返回所有子集。

子集的长度由参数给出i我需要为任何i. 1 或 2的情况i是微不足道的,可以看到一般模式:一个长度的元组列表,i其中强加了顺序以防止重复。

