问题标签 [appgallery]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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android - 如何将 AppGallery 用于现有的 android 应用程序

我目前拥有的: 我有一个在 Android Playstore 中运行的应用程序

我想要做什么: 我想在华为应用程序库中添加这个应用程序


  • 我需要在代码中对此做哪些更改(如果有)?
  • 是否有任何博客或文章,以检查更多信息
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android - firebase 和 googlemaps 会在 huawei-mate 30 中工作吗


  1. 我有一个安装在 android 设备上的应用程序
  2. 它正在使用GoogleMaps&Firebase


该应用程序中的应用程序是否可以在未来的华为设备上GoogleMaps使用?Firebase既然Play Store也不GoogleServices可用?

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android - Can a Flutter app be proposed on the Huawei AppGallery?

Some Huawei mobile devices don't have the Google Play Store and have the Huawei AppGallery instead. Since Flutter is for cross-platform development (iOS and Android), it may be desirable to propose Flutter developed apps through the Huawei AppGallery.

The Huawei devices without the Google Play Store are still using Android and the applications to upload to the Huawei AppGallery must have the apk extension (just like in the Google Play Store). These are hunches that at least some Google Play Store applications can be proposed on the Huawei AppGallery. However, I did not find any proof or confirmation of this. Nor any clear perimeter for this compatibility. For example, some services may not work or may not be accepted on the Huawei AppGallery for technical or legal reasons. One part of this perimeter is the use of Flutter to develop the application.

So, my question is, can a Flutter developed application be compatible with the Huawei AppGallery and if so, under which conditions?

Edit after first app publication 2020 04 13

My first Flutter app has just been published on the Huawei AppGallery. This answers the first part of the question. Still, as this app is quite minimalist, this doesn't answer the most important part which is: under which conditions can a Flutter app be published on the Huawei AppGallery?

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android - Android apk 在 AppGallery 上的新华为设备上不可见

首先,对不起,如果这是重复的,找不到正确的解决方案。我们在将 apk 发布到华为应用程序库时遇到问题。目前在华为 AppGalley 上可以看到支持 Google Play(早于 2019 年 5 月)的设备。我们有问题,在没有谷歌播放的较新设备上看不到相同的应用程序。什么可以解决它?尝试将 huawei repo 添加到所有项目 maven,我们添加了带有所需 deps 的 agconnect-services.json,但它不起作用。有什么建议,可能的解决方案吗?

// build.gradle (app)


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android - 如何在没有Play商店的情况下向手机发送通知(如华为)

如何在未安装 Play 商店的情况下向手机发送通知(如华为)。我知道华为使用 appGallery 但如何向这些手机发送通知?

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android - 如何在 android studio 中为 AppGallery 签署我的 Bundle 应用程序?

我签署了 Bundle 应用程序并导出了 Public.jks 和 private.pepk 密钥。

当我在 AppGallery 控制台上使用 app.aab 更新已发布的应用程序时,tt 说该应用程序未签名,但当我上传 app-release.apk 时,它会接受它。

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java - 从应用程序库或 Playstore 安装应用程序的意图

我想从应用程序库或 Playstore 安装配套应用程序,无论是在华为还是非华为设备上可用。


我应该为华为设备添加验证吗?或者这个意图将适用于带有 AppGallery 的华为设备?

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ionic-framework - Flurry Analytics 是否支持华为设备上没有 Playstore/GMS 服务的标志性应用程序?

Flurry 分析用于在 Play Store 上发布的标志性应用程序之一,并且在非华为设备上运行良好。现在在华为应用程序库和不支持 Play 商店和 GMS 服务的华为设备上发布此应用程序。那么这个flurry插件在没有播放服务的华为设备上这个标志性的应用程序中能正常工作吗?

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android - 打开网页,跳转到AppGallery中某个应用的URL


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android - 如何从快应用切换到安卓应用?
