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php - Apple Pushnotification Feedback service

I have a problem with IOS push notification. I am using php(Zend) as a provider. I have tested the notification in below scenarios:

1) Installed app in my iPhone and sends the device token to server and it is successfully stored in database. Then i have fired a notification, and i have received notification.

2) Then i have uninstalled the app from device and fired a notification. In this scenario APNS doesn't returned any error message. Feedback service also not gave any invalid tokens (Device has other apps which has push notification enabled).

3) Installed app again then send the notification. Now, The notification is successfully sent.

So my question is, why apns not returned invalid token when app is uninstalled from the device. Why feedback service not returned any invalid tokens?

Thanks in advance

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ios - 图标点击后,APNS 不调用 didReceiveRemoteNotification

我正在尝试将以下有效负载从 PHP Server 传递到 APNS。



但是当应用程序在后台时,它成功地附加了徽章,但是当我点击图标时,消息没有发送到 didReceiveRemoteNotification。


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ios - iOS 推送通知未显示在 LockScreen 上




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php - APNS PHP 推送通知不起作用。超时


注意:ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX当我使用 Sandbox( ) 和开发证书文件发送推送通知时,它可以工作。但是生产证书文件ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION不起作用。

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php - 使用 pem 和 apns 的密码 - php


有一个用于 APNS 设置和正常工作的 php 代码。现在已经获得了受密码保护的生产 pem 文件。

请指示在哪里/如何在 php.ini 中传递该密码参数。推送代码如下:

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apple-push-notifications - 如何在 PHP 中处理 APNS 从 SSL3.0 到 TLS 的切换?

对于 SSL3.0 的安全问题,APNS 将删除对 SSL3.0 的支持,然后所有仅支持 SSL3.0 的提供商现在都需要支持 TLS。就我而言,我使用的 PHP 提供程序设置如下:


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php - unable to receive all ios notifications in device using php apns push

I have this function in php that will send 2 notifications to App A and App B when there is an action to the function. However, I will only receive 1 notifications in one APP. I am using apnsphp to do the pushing of notifications.

Below are my situation: I have a 2 app: app A and app B Both app are using different apns cert.

is there a possibility of apns cert cache?

Scenario 1) When logged in to IPAD with APP A & logged in to IPAD with APP B at the same time, Push notification is received for APP A and not for APP B.

Scenario 2) when logged in to IPAD with APP A and logged in to iPhone (separate device) with APP B, Push notification is received for APP A and not for APP B.

Scenario 3) when logged OUT from iPad with APP A, and logged in to iPad (same device) or iPhone (separate device) with APP B, Push notification is received App B.

Im getting this error from apnsphp:

Below are the logs:

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php - APNS - PHP Codeigniter 推送通知徽章不增加 iOS7

我一直在使用 APNS(Apple 推送通知服务)+ PHP,Codeigniter 库从事 iOS 项目。但目前我遇到了一个问题——徽章数量的增加并没有反映在移动设备中。我已经搜索了足够多的谷歌链接,所以不要发送一些链接。我需要一个确切的解决方案,谁能帮助我,因为我的前期时间很短?

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push-notification - 未收到 APNS 推送

我正在尝试在苹果中实现推送通知,当我发送推送时,它是从我的机器本地发送的,但是当我从服务器发送它时,它不会在设备上接收到。可能是什么问题 ?

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php - APNS 证书 .pem

我正在尝试为苹果推送通知创建服务器端连接。首先,我要求用户(可能是 ios 开发人员)提供 Apple 提供的 .cer 和 .p12 文件,以使其成为 .pem 文件。

下面是 .pem 证书的创建。

到现在为止还挺好。我已经通过命令行通过以下方式测试了上面生成的 apns_certificate.pem 与苹果成功:

但是,当我尝试通过 PHP 连接 apns 时,我不能。遵循我尝试过的最后一个 php 代码,我已经看到对其他人有效:

上面的代码返回一个错误:警告:stream_socket_client():SSL 操作失败,代码为 1。OpenSSL 错误消息:错误:14094416:SSL 例程:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 警报证书未知警告:stream_socket_client():无法连接到 ssl: //gateway.push.apple.com:2195
