问题标签 [apache-drill]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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jdbc - 为 jdbc 生成 OBIEE sql 语句

OBIEE 如何生成然后针对目标数据库运行的 sql 语句?我有一份报告,它在针对 Oracle 数据库执行时生成一条 SQL 语句,而在通过 jdbc 驱动程序针对 Apache Drill 执行时则完全不同。我的问题是,在第二种情况下,查询甚至在语法上都无效。

我读过这个 - http://gerardnico.com/wiki/dat/obiee/query_compiler 但仍然不了解 Oracle 根据驱动程序决定要执行的实际查询的机制。

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apache-drill - Newbie in Apache Drill: Cannot see Web Console

I downloaded apache-drill-1.2.0 on a ubuntu 14.04 64 box. Extracted the tar.zip contents, went to bin folder and ran drill.

Now I tried to open: http://localhost:8047, but I'm getting a "can't establish a connection to server" error.

I tried to enable https by http.ssl_enabled: "TRUE". But still cannot open the web console either using http/https.

Here are some relevant logs:

Guava library present in distribution: guava-14.0.1 Please help.

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hadoop - Apache Drill - 在文件存储插件中使用多个分隔符?





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html - How do I query HTML embedded inside a string inside a JSON file with Apache Drill?

I'm trying to use Apache Drill (for the first time) on a JSON file that looks like this:

My initial query was the hello world of drill: SELECT * FROM DataFile.json, and returned me the columns Key1, Key2, Key3. They only had one row, and it contained the entry: "<htmltag attr1='bravo' /><htmltag attr2='delta' /><htmltag attr3='charlie' />" [i.e., only the entry Key1.htmltags].

I have two questions:

  1. Why was there only one row returned, when there were three differently valued entries for each key?
  2. After using the KVGEN/FLATTEN functions to get at my strings inside "htmltags" above, is there a way to drill further into (analyse and extract data from) the HTML tags?
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apache-drill - Apache Drill 中的 CONVERT_FROM 函数

我可以使用 Drill 查询 HBase 并将数据从字节转换为文本。

HBase 表“table1”中的示例数据:


对每个字段使用 CONVERT_FROM 并不是那么好。


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csv - 使用 Apache Drill 从 CSV 创建 Parquet 表时出错

我正在尝试从具有超过一百万行的 CSV 提取(从 Oracle 数据库表生成)创建 Parquet 表。其中大约 25 行的 START_DATE 为空值,CTAS 未能解释""null. 任何建议将不胜感激。

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apache-spark - Apache Drill - 内存/流作为数据源

这可能滥用了 Drill 的精神,但我想知道是否有人尝试将钻取查询指向内存或数据流。



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mongodb - Apache 对 mongo 集合的钻取查询失败并出现错误“找不到类 com.mongodb.DBRef 的编解码器”

无论查询如何,只要集合项中存在 DBRef 字段,对来自 Mongo 数据库的集合的钻取查询就会失败。




如果一个集合不包含带有 DBRefs 的项目,那么一切都会按预期工作。任何想法如何解决这个问题将不胜感激。

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distributed - How to configure drill to use all the nodes for a query (by creating multiple fragements)

I am using Drill (1.3) on two nodes. Say:

  1. 192.xxx.xxx.xxx
  2. 192.yyy.yyy.yyy

I tried querying (from 192.xxx.xxx.xxx) on a csv file (1000 million records):

Also, I tried join query (from 192.xxx.xxx.xxx) on Hive & Oracle :

Every time I got(from Drill UI):

Why the other node is not used. Then whats the benefit of using multiple nodes in this case.

Do Drill take care of this by itself or I need to configure something?

If anybody able to get multiple fragment please share your use case.

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timestamp - 钻查询 hbase 包括 TIMERANGE

在 hbase shell 中,我们可以使用类似的命令

get '/test/service','rk1',{COLUMN=>'fm1:col1',TIMERAGE=>[0,TS1]}

查询记录版本分为每个版本的时间戳[0,TS1)在哪里(我们在运行“put”命令时设置的 ts1)。TS1

有没有办法在 Drill 中执行相同的 SQL 查询来查询此类数据?

例如select * from hbase.`/test/table` as t where t.fm1.TIMESTAMP = 1442XXXXX