问题标签 [angulartics]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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angularjs - Angulartics 加载了许多未使用的脚本

我使用 Bower 安装了Angulartics以获得 Google Analytics 支持:


有没有办法只为其中一个安装 Angulartics (在我的情况下是 Google Analytics)?

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google-analytics - 使用 angulartics 跟踪我的混合应用程序页面浏览量

我像这样将 angulartics 添加到我的混合应用程序中:</p>

在 script.js 中是这样的:


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javascript - Angulartics 跟踪 Bootstrap 轮播项目的印象

在我的 Angular 应用程序中,我们有一个引导轮播(由于某些原因使用引导轮播而不是 ui 引导轮播),项目结构如下

点击事件工作正常。但是如何跟踪 IMPRESSIONS。展示事件需要在轮播项目变为活动时触发。


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angularjs - Angular and Google tag manager (GTM) gtm.click

I am running into a problem, and I cannot seem to find a fix for it. The situation is as follows the marketing department wants to integrate GTM. Which is fine as they want to have full control over the different third party providers they wish to integrate. But for this to happen they would like to have the ability to track all clicks on a page.

And they came back to me that currently no click events are being tracked with the current configuration within GTM. At first the thought was that events were not propagating (bubbling) upwards. But having tested this myself by binding a event listener to the document (click) (see below) all div, buttons etc. with an ng-click directives did reach this handler without problems.

So my assumption was that there was something wrong with the configuration but after looking at the configuration (one I created myself which looks as follows):

enter image description here

I still could not get it to work. Buttons that already use angulartics - https://luisfarzati.github.io/angulartics/ to send an event to the GTM container work as expected:

Only the catch all click events (or any filter on it like purely looking at button clicks) does not. Now after looking at it a little more it seems GTM expects the gtm.click _event to happen. But I can't figure out (gazing through the gtm.js file) how they bind to all click events within the document (there is a click binding on the document after initialization but I am unsure if this is GTM or something from angular). And even if so I have placed many breakpoints within this file which seemingly could be related to it but none of them triggered when something was clicked.

So my question is, has anybody got experience combining angularjs with angulartics and GTM while having it catch all click/touch/mousedown etc. events and send these to GTM?

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javascript - 如何在使用 angulartics 时关闭谷歌分析

我在我的 web 应用程序中使用 Google Analytics 和 Angulartics。在本地开发时,我的应用程序发出了很多噪音,所以如果我localhost像这样运行,我只是不加载脚本就关闭了 Google Analytics:

但现在我突然想到,如果未加载此脚本并且我的分析对象不存在,Angulartics 可能会崩溃。我没有看到任何错误,因此 Angulartics 似乎很好地处理了这种情况,但由于我不熟悉 Angulartics 的内部结构,所以我想在发布这段代码之前确定一下。


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google-analytics - 缺少 Angulartics 跟踪事件

我将 angulartics 与谷歌分析和对讲机一起使用。在我目前的情况下,我必须在一个循环中多次跟踪相同的事件,但是如果它们连续快速发生,angulartics 似乎会丢弃这些事件。

使用调试器时,每个事件都会被跟踪,如果我调用 eventTrack 时每个事件都有一些延迟。但如果没有调试器和延迟,事件只会被跟踪一次。



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angularjs - 使用 angulartics-piwik 添加 angulartics 后 Jasmine 单元测试失败

这是我收到的服务错误消息。在添加 angulartics 之前,我不会收到这些消息



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angularjs - Angulartics - $analytics.eventTrack 不触发 ga 事件

我正在尝试跟踪下拉菜单标签上的事件。如果我analytics-on直接在 html 中使用,我只能跟踪点击事件而不是onchange事件。

为了解决这个问题,我有一个附加到ng-change这样的函数:<select ng-change=“sortListView( )”&gt;和一个基于文档的控制器:


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google-analytics - 如何将 Google Analytics 事件标签添加到 Angulartics2?

Angulartics2中,如何将事件标签传递给 Google Analytics?


当使用 Chrome 的 Analytics 调试器时,它会显示一个正在触发的事件,该事件传递了类别和操作。查看 GitHub 中的代码看起来可以提供标签,但我不清楚需要向锚标签添加什么属性?angularticsLabel 似乎没有任何效果。

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google-analytics - angulartics2 事件不起作用


对我不起作用。该效果不会显示在 Google Analytics Debugger 和 Google Analytics Real-Time 报告中。
