问题标签 [angular-services]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
javascript - Angular 的全局可用变量
我们正在将我们的 webapp 迁移到 Angular.js。传统上,我们创建了一个名为的全局对象app
随着向 Angular 的过渡app
,它不再只是一个对象,它是一个 Angular 应用程序模块。以 Angular 思维方式在全球范围内存储数据的正确方法是什么?它可能完全不同,那很好。我只是想确保我们做得正确。
我会做一些简单的事情app.global = {};
在网站周围使用,但如果 angular API 更改为使用名为 的属性global
angularjs - ng-click 执行属于不同控制器的 2 个方法
PostController的控制器具有功能showPost CommentController
ruby-on-rails - 使用 AngularJS 和 Rails 上传文件
,将通过 angularjs 控制器插入书籍详细信息
我的 angularjs 控制器功能是:
问题是它存储了除书籍 pdf 上传之外的所有详细信息。它甚至没有通过名字。我该如何解决这个问题?任何建议,将不胜感激。
angularjs - 如何在我的应用程序中使用注入的 Angular 模块的服务?
我的 app.js:
myModule 包含我要注入的服务:
javascript - 如何在初始请求中提供 JSON 有效负载,以便在 JS 应用程序中使用
使用初始请求为我的 Angular 应用程序中的模型提供初始 JSON 数据的最佳方式是什么?(尽量减少对服务器的请求量)。
javascript - 角度服务/工厂未定义错误
假设返回我在顶部声明的 usersObject 但控制台给了我一个未定义的对象错误。
我对 Angular 很陌生。
javascript - Array Null out side loop ,但在 Angular.js 服务中包含值
angularjs - Angularjs UI won't update with service binding that's updated by promise?
I've spent the night on trying to figure this out and have finally decided to give up and ask for help.
I'm building a web-app with AngularJS that is designed to work with flakey connections (mobiles).
I'm trying to implement the functionality for a user to add a object (whether that's an appointment, book, etc is irrelevant) to the server.
Service that handles syncing objects with the server:
'app' service that the status bar is bound to:
Template binding to the 'app' service inSync property:
Specific object service that sends data from the controller to the syncUp service:
Everything is working as it should (data is being persisted to the server and the ID is being returned and replacing the tempId just fine. The problem is, when the inSync key on the 'app' service is updated, the class isn't added/removed from the div as it should be with ng-class in the template. If I load another route, that will force iterate through whatever internal cycle angular is doing and update the class on the template.
I've tried all manner of $apply() solutions, moving where the app.inSync key is set back to true, looping a function watching it. It's being set in all the right places (from debugging I know it's set back to true correctly), I just can't figure out how to make the change appear on the UI.
I tried: $rootScope.$apply(function() { app.inSync = true; });
Which gave me an error (already running a digest, or something).
So I tried the 'safeApply' version that has been circulated on many answers/blogs, which didn't throw the error, but didn't work either.
As far as I can figure out, the UI should be updated when promises are resolved (both the http and my syncUp.addObject promise are resolved, so I'm not sure why it's not working.
Any ideas? I need to keep the current implementation of promises to be able to set the returned ID from the server on the added object, to avoid a circular-dependency issue between the syncUp and object angular services.
And the status bar directive:
javascript - Angularjs如何调用异步服务方法以及如何在监听器中使用依赖
我想在侦听器中使用依赖项,但 websocket 是undefined
jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/8DHfY/3/或此处的代码