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momentjs - 时间格式不正确


表明 [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token 'Oct' is an unexpected token at column 5 of the expression [Thu Oct 15 21:53:55 IST 2015] starting at [Oct 15 21:53:55 IST 2015].


表明Token 'T18' is an unexpected token at column 11 of the expression [2015-10-13T18:49:52.888Z] starting at [T18:49:52.888Z].

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javascript - Angular Moment : Moment Timezone 没有 America/New_York 的数据




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javascript - 使用 JavaScript 比较时间范围




如果我有一个从上午 9:30 开始的新时间范围对象,我需要能够检测到它。

这是一个 AngularJS 应用程序的内部,它可以访问 MomentJS 和 Angular Moment。


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javascript - 定制财务年度 - Moment Js


我们正在考虑将 11 月作为开始日期,将 10 月作为财政年度的结束日期。

例如:上一年的 11 月至次年的 10 月被视为一个财政年度。

2014 年 11 月 1 日 - 2015 年 10 月 31 日 - > 被视为一个财政年度

10 月 31 日之后的任何记录都将进入下一个财政年度。

我们还需要找到 Quarters 如下

第 1 季 = 11 月、12 月和 1 月
第 2 季 = 2 月、3 月、4 月
第 3 季 = 5 月、6 月、7 月
第 4 季 = 8 月、9 月、10 月

考虑到 Jan 作为财政年度的开始日期,它返回 4。


- 代码 -

函数 getQuarter() { var obj = {};


从 11 月开始使用它来设置季度。


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javascript - 如何将这个 moment.js 代码从 node.js 运行到 angular.js 控制器?

我在下面有这个 node.js 代码;

我想在 angularjs 中运行它。我按照https://github.com/urish/angular-moment中的说明添加了必要的链接和模块。

我想在我的 angularjs 控制器中运行代码。

问题是我不能var moment = require('moment')在 angularjs 中调用,这与 node.js 不同。这如何在 angularjs 控制器中完成?

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angularjs - Date manipulation issues/questions using AngularJS and MomentJS

I'm using a datepicker and a timepicker to have a user choose a specific date and time. In my controller, I intend to combine the selected date and the selected time.

I'm using the most current production versions of AngularJS, Bootstrap, Angular UI-Boostrap, and MomentJS. I have the latest Angular-Moment added too, but not sure if/how it might help address the issues noted below.

I'd use a datetimepicker, but there's too many to choose from and not a lot of time to figure out which one does everything I need (validation, masking, bootstrap v3, dependency on other datetimepickers, etc.).

In my app I have included and successfully used MomentJS for other purposes, but in this case, I'm having an issue where the datepicker and the timepicker are each returning the correct value, but MomentJS is returning the wrong value when I load those dates/times into a moment() object.

Here's some examples of what I'm running into... First BeginDate, and EndDate values are coming from the Angular UI-Bootstrap DatePicker. BeginTime and EndTime are coming from the TimePicker of the same library.

DatePicker and TimePicker examples

JS console output examples

This situation gets worse when I involve MomentJS to help me parse and concatenate the dates and times. (I've tried with and without .toString(). The next lines in my test are as follows:

If I combine the dates and times right now, I'll of course get 04/20/2015 00:00 AM returned.

Why are the dates being changed to be 8 months earlier?

Why are the times an invalid date after being loaded into MomentJS?

How do you proposed I fix this?

Why in the world does JavaScript make dates and times so difficult to work with? (I can Google that one later - just venting.)

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javascript - 带有 Javascript 的秒表/倒计时 (00:00:00) 格式



但格式是01, 02.... 最多 60 然后01:01, 01:02, 等等。

我想将其格式化为00:00:00,递增 int. 我找到了其他编程语言的答案,但不是 JavaScript。任何帮助表示赞赏!

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javascript - 使用moment.js在javascript中显示来自json的日期时间而不格式化为语言环境时区

从 JSON 响应中获取以下日期: 1470995100000 但是 angular-moment 会将这个 long 转换为当前日期 + 时区偏移量。我怎样才能避免这种情况?

应该是 = 07:55(来自数据库的正确值 - 始终基于本地时区)。但例如会显示 09:55(如果本地机器上的时区已更改)


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angularjs - how do i add angular-moment filter here?

Am new to angularjs and given a codebase to add angular-moment (moments.js) to a module.

The module is defined is as follows:

When i add angularMoment just after "googlechart" i get a "unpr" angular error. I did include both moments.js and angular-moments.js in my html.

I need to use javascript moments lib in my angular code.

Please help.


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angularjs - 力矩范围的角模块

我正在使用angular-moment在我的 Angular 项目中使用 momentjs。我喜欢我可以简单地将 moment 变量包含到我的构造函数中,以便在我的控制器中使用 moment。
