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angularjs - 使用 Angular 1.2 在 cookie 中设置和获取对象
我正在尝试在 cookie 中设置用户属性。登录时,运行以下代码:
记录的数据包括配置文件对象,所以我假设它也被放入 cookie 中。
加载应用程序时,我会查找带有以下内容的 cookie:
angularjs - $cookieStore 不为方法的另一次迭代保存数据
我有一个应用程序,其中我为数组(configurationsArray)中的每个项目(配置)设置了复选框。我要实现的是在选中复选框时将配置添加到 cookie 存储中
如果你最后看到我尝试获取我推送到 cookieStore 中的东西,它工作正常。
javascript - 角业力测试 $.cookie
我的注销功能向注销 api 发送请求并清除所有 cookie,从而有效地结束会话。它工作得很好,但是当我在测试中运行该函数时,我得到:
我知道这是从什么时候开始的,在注销功能中,我尝试通过运行来清除所有 cookie:
angularjs - 如何解决angular js中的cookieStore未定义错误?
在这里,当我单击 storeAreaInCookie 这将导致城市的纬度和经度时,我必须将这些结果存储在 cookie 中,并且需要在我想在我的网站中使用的任何地方使用。但是当我尝试使用此代码时,它不会存储cookie 并在控制台中说未定义 cookie 存储。我该如何解决这个问题?
angularjs - Send a cookie in http requests from frontend to backend with Angular
I am developing a web-application using AngularJS.
The application is realized with:
- a frontend, a component without logic, that simply queries a backend many times, in order to receive from it all the needed data;
- a backend, containing many RESTful services, and each of them returns data to the frontend (if the frontend calls it).
In my frontend, in the main controller, I create a cookie using $cookieStore, in this way:
Now, I want to send the information of this cookie to the generic backend service that I call. For example, one of my call has this form:
How can I send the cookie? Thanks in advance.
angularjs - 使用 AngularJS 创建 cookie
我尝试使用下面的代码来设置 cookie:
我更新到 Angular cookie 的 1.3.14 版本,我知道有一个重大更改,但是我现在应该如何编写上面的代码?
运行上面的代码我得到这个错误:Error: $cookies.put is not a function
更新:我必须在 2 个文件中执行此操作:
angularjs - 角度 Cookie 不起作用
我正在使用Angular v1.3.10
并且我正在成功设置 cookie。当我在做$cookieStore.put(key,value)
angularjs - 在angularjs中设置一个cookie然后路由到一个新页面
Angularjs 版本 1.3.15
我已经在我的页面“A”上使用 $cookieStore.put 设置了一个 cookie,现在希望将用户重定向到新页面“B”以使用该 cookie。我的问题是
如何将用户重定向到以 Angular 定义的已知路由,从而导致整个页面加载,这将读取 cookie 标头并允许我访问我的 cookie?
页面“B”正在使用使用指令的不同控制器,但我正在 Chrome 中查看“资源”选项卡 - 这就是我看到浏览器尚未看到 cookie 的方式。我希望在以下位置查看 cookie 的指令:
javascript - Angular Cookie 重置
我正在使用 Angular + REST Api 创建汽车搜索模块。
Angular Cookies 在 localhost 上运行良好,当我将其上传到服务器时,它无法正常工作。
在提货页面上,用户选择的字段很少,这些信息存储在 cookie 中,因为它点击搜索按钮导航到搜索页面并尝试从 cookie 获取信息,但无法获取用户存储的信息,我正在获取默认值。
angularjs - ngCookies returns undefined for existing cookie
I've been scratching my head for this one for hours now yet still haven't found the cause or solution.
Basically I have an Angular.js frontend that tries to log users in (with ngCookies
on Angular.js 1.3.15) by communicating with an authentication API endpoint in the backend. Upon success, my code should redirect the user to another page.
So the login code looks something like:
where auth
is a service that has a login
method which simply sends an POST request to the backend. $state.go('overview')
will do the redirect. This code should be ok as I get HTTP200 back from the server given I supply the correct user credentials. However, the browser won't redirect me to the overview page because it still thinks I'm not logged in unless I refresh the page.
The code that checks if the current user is logged in uses a helper method called getToken()
, where I use ngCookies
to retrieve a cookie named USER_SESSION
. And this method is where I think the problem is.
The method itself is simply
However it always returns undefined
even when the USER_SESSION
cookie exists in the browser.
Some testing I did (on a remote testing server so accessing cookies in localhost
shouldn't be a concern):
The results of console.log
Are the double quotes the problem here? I thought so initially, but after refreshing the page, $cookies
returns the same thing (same double quotes but a different USER_SESSION
value) and $cookies.USER_SESSION
would have the correct value, and user would be on the overview page.
Does this mean Set-Cookie
in the HTTP response header needs a page refresh to take effect?
P.S. Same problem occurs with cookieStore