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android - Android Studio 不会为旧版本从 VectorDrawable 生成 Drawable

我使用 Android Studio 2.0 和支持VectorDrawable库。我的毕业典礼:


图标是一个矢量,但 AndroidStudio 必须为旧版本生成和绘制(光栅可绘制)。如果不是这样,我需要如何使用它?

PS它写了一个简单的类。它不能修复 Android Studio 错误,但至少应用程序不会崩溃。也许其他人也有同样的问题。

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android - 如何将 alpha 蒙版应用于 Android 可绘制对象?


现在,我想在该可绘制对象上覆盖一个 alpha 蒙版,创建一个“条纹”按钮。以下是蓝色和黑色按钮的外观(假设背景颜色为白色,但这些部分实际上应该是 100% 透明的):


我在 Inkscape 中制作了这个 alpha 蒙版,并成功将其作为矢量资产导入。我可能需要将其转换为某种位图,但我不确定。

我已经阅读了一堆文章和提到要应用 PorterDuff 矩阵的 SO 问题,但无法将这些转化为解决我当前的问题。




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android - 如何保持 VectorDrawable 的纵横比?

我一直在尝试为 Android 应用程序创建启动屏幕,如 正确的启动屏幕 |中所述。有风格的大书呆子牧场

background_splash 看起来像

sparrow.xml 看起来像

但是,我看到的问题是,由宽度和高度属性定义的 1:1 纵横比vector在设备屏幕上显示时不会保持不变。比如在android studio中显示一个圆圈如下




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android - Programmatically tint a Support Vector

Android Studio version 2.1, gradle version 2.1.0, please correct me if you spot any misinterpretations :)

I am confused about support vectors in the support library 23.3.0. Specifically what I would like to do is tint an image button programmatically, whose src is defined is a vector drawable. From what I can tell this is not possible on pre-lollipop now.

I have read several related posts about the changes: 23.2.0 announcement and changes:

As of Android Support Library 23.3.0, support vector drawables can only be loaded via app:srcCompat or setImageResource().

Does the above mean that vector xmls can only be used pre-Lollipop via srcCompat or setImageResource(), and therefore cannot be dynamically tinted?

Here is my basic image button:

Works on Lollipop and above only:

Attempting this pre-lollipop throws: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/drawable/ic_exit_to_app_24dp.xml from drawable resource ID #0x7f0200bf

Also works on Lollipop and above only

This throws the same error on pre-Lollipop.

However if I remove vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true as pointed out by Ian Lake here, with the intent of having the build tools auto-generate pngs for pre-Lollipop devices, the pngs do not tint on pre-lollipop, so I'm back to square one.

I have also tried specifying the vector via srcCompat and retrieving it programmatically but I don't think I've been able to achieve that, even though it works on post-Lollipop if the vector is specified using src instead.

So the situation for 23.3.0 seems to be:

  • Post-Lollipop: src and srcCompat accept vectors, only src can be retrieved from the view as a drawable for tinting programmatically. Referencing vectors in code is possible using getDrawable, and they can be tinted.

  • Pre-Lollipop: srcCompat only can accept vectors, cannot be retrieved programmatically from the view for tinting. setImageResource can accept vectors, but only if vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = false, and tinting does not work. Similarly referencing vectors in code is not possible unless vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = false and tinting does not work.

Working on all versions using pngs:


This technique also works on post-Lollipop, but like the others on pre-Lollipop I get the drawable, but no tinting:


Thanks to John's answer so far the only fool-proof way I can come up with to tint a support vector is to set a color filter on it - this means the DrawableCompat.setTint() function is seemingly not functional for me if the drawable in question is a support vector. I'm not sure if this is a legit bug, expected behavior or if I'm just doing something wrong!

Here is the solution I'm going with for the moment:

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android - 为什么我的 SVG 无法在 Vector Asset Studio 中加载

下面的 SVG 无法在 Android Studio 的 Vector Asset Studio 中打开,从而导致错误:

“空预览图像!解析 TareSymbol.svg 时出现异常:对于输入字符串:“8.7337904mm”解析 XML 文件时出现异常:文件过早结束。”

为什么以下 SVG 文件与 Vector Asset Studio 不兼容?


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android - VectorDrawableCompat 绘制带有位移的图标

请解释我如何解决它?我加载矢量可绘制调用VectorDrawableCompat.create(context.getResources(), resId, context.getTheme());
它适用于所有支持的设备(从 API 8 开始),但绘制所有带有位移的图标。为什么?我无法理解。例如,它的NavigationView菜单: 布局边界:



PS 我在带有软件渲染的 Android 6.0 模拟器上制作了这个截图(Ubuntu 16.04 和 radeon HD 5xxx,我很幸运)。不幸的是,我没有真正的设备所以...可能是由于软件渲染?

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android - 可绘制为应用程序徽标的矢量

我们可以在 Manifest 文件中使用 Vector drawable 作为 App 标志吗?


但是当我尝试在 Playstore 上上传应用程序的发布版本时,它会显示一个错误,指出Invalid Logo

那么是不是因为我使用矢量可绘制作为应用程序徽标的原因。所以不能为 App logo 使用 drawables 吗?如果我们可以那么如何('因为矢量drawables进入drawables文件夹而不是mipmap)?

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android - 精确控制 Android 的 VectorDrawable 动画


我想为一个图像的多个元素设置动画并将动画链接到 ViewPagers 位置(因此多个元素正在变形或飞入/飞出,具体取决于被拖动的当前页面)。



运行动画的 Java 代码:


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java - 如何以编程方式设置 Vector Drawable 的组参数?



在我的代码中,我创建了一个 ValueAnimator

animatorUpdateListener 定义如下:

然后在我的 onDraw 方法中调用

我如何能够更改我的vector_drawable.xml 中的android:rotation参数,而不是旋转画布?rotation_group


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android - vector drawable not visible in api level 15 even after using the appCompat library version 23.3.0

I am using a vector drawable in an ImageView in API level 15. I am using the AppCompat library version "appcompat-v7:23.3.0" in my gradle, which brings in the support of SVG for lower API levels.

Here is my XML for ImageView:

This is the check.xml in drawable folder:

The ImageView is not being displayed at all. Can anyone please tell what is the mistake I am doing.