问题标签 [android-studio-2.2]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
android - 如何解决 android studio 安装错误(“您的 android studio 安装已损坏,无法正常工作。”)?
我最初有我的 Android studio 2.2 prev 2,然后它要求更新。我下载了它,我发现下载中的文件类似于我 C: 驱动器中的文件夹 Android\Android Studio。所以我备份了 Android 文件夹中的旧文件并移动了下载的文件。然后当我打开android studio时,它说“你的android studio安装已损坏,无法正常工作”。
java - How to check return value of a function at runtime while debugging in android studio
While debugging this exampleFunction, is there a way i can check the return value of multiply(a,b) function at run time. I do not want to put any System.out.println statements. Suggest a way while debugging code in android studio.
android - 在 Android Studio (WebView) 中制作新闻阅读应用。但是当我点击所选文章中的视频时,它不会播放
我试过添加 Youtube Api,但这没有帮助。
编辑#1:这是 WebView 代码
java - 如何在我的 WebVIew 应用程序中添加滑动以刷新?
我制作了一个新闻阅读器应用程序(WebView)。我不知道如何在我的应用程序中添加拉动刷新。我是一名刚刚进入编程领域的学生(学习者/n00b)任何人都可以让我知道要添加什么或我必须在此处发布哪些 java 类或 xml 代码,以便您可以帮助我。
android-studio - Android Studio APK Analyzer Lombok Files
I am using the new APK Analyzer in Android Studio Preview 2.2 to examine my APK. I use lombok in my project. I am noticing in the resulting APK there are a lot of lombok files, including AUTHORS, changelog.txt, etc. It also includes a bunch of eclipse files, things I am not using, nor do I want. Specifically, I get a lot of InnerClasses warnings on these files when build and test. I have also had to enable multidex as what I believe is a result of all these extra items lombok pulls in. I believe a lot of this can be resolved with proguard. Does anyone have a working proguard to clean up the extra junk lombok is injecting?
android - DisplayLeakActivity 不存在
一段时间以来,我遇到了 LeakCanary 的问题(我认为从 Android Studio 2.2 开始,但不确定)
当我单击 Android Studio 中的播放按钮时,我收到以下错误消息:
但是当我用ClassyShark打开 apk 文件时,我可以看到活动在那里。