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android - Cannot get Android Open Accessory to work on Samsung Galaxy devices

I'm playing around with Google Open Accessory.
I've tested with a simple implementation on the Arduino Mega ADK and
an implementation on a .NET MF chip (c#).

When I connect either device to a cheap tablet, for example the ONDA V712
the tablet detects the accessory and asks me to install the required APK.
If however I connect either device to a Samsung Galaxy S3, Note II or Note 8 it doesn't work.
The Galaxy simply says: "Connected as USB media device".

I find it hard to believe the Galaxy range of devices are not compatible with #android open accessory so perhaps those devices need a configuration tweak of some kind? To give an idea, the code for the Arduino Mega ADK is taken from a sample from WROX:

But I'm thinking the Arduino/NetMF devices are not the problem.

I've also powered the Arduino with a 12v adapter so that it has
enough juice to power/charge the Galaxy devices.

Arduino output when connected to a Galaxy device:

Device addressed... Requesting device descriptor. found possible
device. swithcing to serial mode could not read device protocol

Arduino output when connected to the Onda device:

Device addressed...
Requesting device descriptor. found android
acessory device
config desc interface desc

I also checked if there is a file on each of the Galaxy devices indicating AOA support, and there is: '/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml'


On the Arduino side, I'm using the UsbHost library from ArduinoADK-beta-001.zip
which I donwloaded from the ADK site. That archive contains two versions, version 1 and version 2, but using version 2 the code and samples don't even compile.

Each of the Galaxy devices use Android 4.1.1 or higher.

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android - 如何在未启用 USB 调试的情况下使用 adb tcpip?

我已经阅读了很多关于 adb 和 tcpip 模式的帖子,我可以创建无线 adb 连接,但前提是 USB 调试打开。


  1. USB调试已启用
  2. 在计算机上调用adb tcpip(从 USB 切换到 tcpip 模式,默认端口为 5555)
  3. 通话adb connect PHONE_IP并建立连接

无论是否连接 USB 电缆,上述操作都有效,但仅当在 Android 设备上的开发人员选项中勾选 USB 调试选项时。一旦我取消选中该选项,tcp 连接就会丢失并且无法重新建立,直到重新启用 USB 调试选项。

问题是我开始使用IOIO OTG设备,我需要禁用 USB 调试才能将 IOIO 用作附件设备。如果我可以同时使用 IOIO 和使用 adb 进行调试,那将非常有用。

我在设备上使用 Android 4.1.2 (API 16)。我可以使用两台设备,都使用相同的操作系统版本,一台有根,一台无根。

是否可以在不启用 USB 调试的情况下在 tcpip 模式下使用 adb?如果是这样,如何?

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android - Android Open Accessory 同时连接

我正在开发一个AOA 应用程序。我想知道是否可以同时与 AOA 保持多个连接?可能吗?或者一次只有一个应用程序可以使用 AOA?

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android - How to find if Android Handset or Tablet supports Android Open Accessory (AOA) protocol?

I am developing an application to interface an accessory using Android Open Accessory (AOA) protocol.

I test the application using either a handset(Android 4.2.2) or a tablet (Android 4.1). Both these devices have USB Micro-B receptacle, whereas, accessory has USB A type receptacle. I use Micro-B plug to USB-A plug cable to connect any one of the earlier mentioned Android device with Accessory.

The application is expected to popup as soon as accessory is connected to handset or Tablet.

It is working as expected on handset but not on the tablet. After putting good amount of time on debugging this issue, it is occurring to me that the tablet may not be supporting AOA Protocol. (JFYI: The table supports OTG mode).

Therefore my questions are:

1) Has anyone came across any app which can inform whether device supports AOA or not? 2) Does anyone know programmatic way to detect support for AOA on android device?

Thanks in advance for forthcoming help from community members.

P.S. I have already read answer for similar issue mentioned at - 1) How to tell if an Android device has Open Accessory Mode 2) Does the Acer Iconia Tab A500 support Accessory mode? 3) What Android Tablet Currently Supports Accessory Mode for ADK Development 4) Which android devices support the ADK / open accessory - without any outcome.

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android - Galaxy Note 3 上的 Android 开放式附件

我正在使用各种手机/平板电脑和 Arduino DUE 对 Android 开放附件协议 (AOA) 进行一些实验。

我需要一些帮助来尝试找到基于 AOA 的简单应用程序的不同行为的原因,该应用程序从模拟输入引脚读取数据并改变 Arduino DUE 的数字输出引脚的状态。


  1. /system/framework/com.android.future.usb.accessory.jar
  2. /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.usb.accessory.xml


命名的应用程序在三星 Galaxy S2(Android 版本 4.1.2,内核 v3.0.31-1211311)和 Galaxy Pocket Neo(Android 版本 4.1.2,内核 v3.0.15-1456085)上运行良好,但只能“部分运行” " 在三星 Galaxy Note 3(Android 版本 4.3,内核 v3.4.0-2019540)上。

更详细地说,当我将配件连接到所有指定的手机(还有 Galaxy Note 3)时,它会被正确识别,并且与 Arduino 草图关联的应用程序会正确控制(所有手机)数字输出引脚的状态,但 Galaxy Note 似乎无法从 Arduino 接收并显示包含模数转换结果的消息(两个字节)。

该应用程序是UDOO开发平台的教程项目之一,原帖在这里:http ://www.udoo.org/ProjectsAndTutorials/android-and-arduino-on-udoo-bidirectional-communication/?portfolioID=1394

这是 MainActivity.java 的代码:

我还验证了这种奇怪的行为对于基于 AOA 协议的其他应用程序也存在,即:Galaxy Note 3 正确地将输出消息发送到附件,但没有从中读取输入消息。

我找不到问题出在哪里,我会要求 StackOverflow 社区给我一些提示。


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android - 在 AOA 附件上检测到应用程序已关闭并重新打开


  1. 用户将配件连接到手机。
  2. 应用程序在手机上自动启动(这是 AOA 功能的一部分)。
  3. 应用程序和附件之间的通信继续进行。
  4. 用户关闭应用程序(通过将其从最近的应用程序菜单中滑出)。
  5. 用户再次启动应用程序。
  6. 附件尝试将数据发送到应用程序。

在第 6 步,我USB error 7: Transfer error on bulk endpoint: Operation timed out安装了附件 - 就像应用程序根本没有运行时一样!即使通知应用程序有可用的 UsbAccessory,也会发生这种情况。


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java - 初始化 ByteArrayOutputStream?

我是MQTTand的新手Android Open Accessory "AOA"。在阅读教程时,我意识到,在尝试写入该类型的变量之前ByteArrayOutputStream0或者0x00应该先写入该变量。




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mqtt - 如何测试“Mosquitto”服务器?



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android - 如何运行 GIT 命令

我是 Android Open Accessor 的新手AOA,我想下载paho专为 Android 服务设计的库。

我在这里阅读了这个文档,但它在部分中Building from source说我必须应用这个命令

git clone http://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/paho/org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.java.git


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android - 我的消息被 MQTT-broker 降级了,那又怎样?

据我了解,如果您subscribed使用topic特定QoS的 ,订阅者将只能看到代理topic提供的消息,其级别等于或低于发布主题时指定的级别。MQTTQoSQoS

换句话说,例如,将订阅topic = newsand with的客户QoS = 1,那么他将能够看到withpublished下的任何消息topic = newsQoS = 1 OR 0

subscribed到一个topic = newswith QoS = 0,这topic是用 发布的QoS = 2,当我连接到 时broker,我收到了 te 已发布的消息,但用它QoS = 0,第二次,我发布了相同的主题,但用QoS = 1,当我订阅它时QoS = 0,我收到了消息但与QoS = 0.
