问题标签 [android-emulator-plugin]
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android - 安卓:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:android.support.v4.media.TransportMediatorJellybeanMR2
在詹金斯的模拟器上运行我的应用程序时遇到此异常。它最近才开始发生,无法真正弄清楚我改变了什么导致它。当我在模拟器中从 IntelliJ (Android Studio) 运行时,它似乎工作正常。
我的 AndroidManifest.xml 包含:
android - Android 模拟器构建失败
testing - 在 Jenkins 上启动 Android 模拟器会导致 WindowServer 错误
如何让 android 模拟器在 jenkins 上运行以进行测试(MacOSX 服务器)?我已经尝试过该插件,给出了同样的错误(是的,我没有选中“显示窗口”),所以我在构建期间在 jenkins 上执行了我自己的 shell 脚本,我得到了同样的错误。为什么当我有 -no-window 时它甚至关心 WindowServer,这是没有意义的。如果这是权限问题,为什么我没有收到错误 WindowServer 权限错误?我的控制台输出:
java - Android Emulator Response:Unfortunately HelloWorld has stopped
I am following an online tutorial on Udemy. I created the default hello world app, but it would not load when I tried to run it! I decided to go to the next video and created a simple project that should display the text "Hello, World!" when a button is pressed, but I get this message on the emulator when I run the project:
Unfortunately Hello World has stopped.
I have been trying for hours searching multiple threads, but none seem to give me a solution. I am using the latest adt bundle (API 20) version 23. Here are the two files:
android - Android emulator doesn't start on CI server (but from within Eclipse)
I'm trying to set up a CI build for my Android development (Android SDK Tools V23.0.2). This is currently all running on my local machine (with Ubuntu 14.04.1). However, I have problems getting the emulator to work properly.
From within Eclipse, I can launch the emulator, and it works fine (and even quite fast). The only minor issue I had was that screenshots (taken with Robotium) would not work until I switched off the emulator's "Use Host GPU" option.
On Jenkins (V1.576), I use the "Android Emulator plug-in" (V2.11.1), and here the fun starts. First of all, I can start the emulator, but only with android-15 - for every version above that one, the emulator doesn't appear to start. Second, the emulator is much slower than when started from within Eclipse - for instance, one of my tests takes 1min on the Eclipse emulator, and about 3-4mins on the "Jenkins" emulator. Third, screenshots do not work at all, even without using the "Use Host GPU" option. Fourth, I'm not able to launch the emulator with a window (in fact, I do not want to in the long run, but it would be handy to see what's going on while setting up the build).
I tried to play with all kinds of plug-in configurations (including explicitly stating the emulator executable, e.g. "emulator64-x86"), and I have also tried to reuse the AVD specification used by Eclipse, but that all wouldn't help. For the sake of completeness, I have attached my working Eclipse and plug-in configurations below, but I guess that my actual question is:
How can I make the "Android Emulator plug-in" start the emulator exactly the same way as Eclipse starts it?
Despite that, I would of course be happy about all kinds of help - this is kind of driving me nuts :-)
Here's a screenshot of the AVD configuration I use within Eclipse:
Here's the Jenkins output of my successfully starting emulator:
Here's some failing "Android Emulator plug-in" settings (as text for brevity):
And finally, here's the Jenkins output resulting from a failing emulator start:
android - 如何在 Jenkins 中为具有 Android AVD 的目录设置路径?
当我尝试使用 Jenkins Build Now 选项构建我的 android 工作区时,它会显示如下错误
默认情况下,android avd 的目录是/users/user.name/.android
. 如何向 Jenkins 提供此 avd 路径?它总是尝试在上面给定的 Windows 位置自动搜索 avd。
注意:我使用的是 Windows-7 操作系统。
android - Android 模拟器错误 EAX=e0000011 EBX=00000000 ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000
最近,当我在 android 4.4.2 模拟器上启动调试应用程序时,我遇到了这样的错误
[2014-11-25 14:08:35 - 模拟器] 接受连接时出错,正在中止
android - 无法从 Android Emulator Plugin 设置分区大小
我正在尝试将 HOSTS 文件复制到使用 jenkins 中的 android-emulator-plugin 创建的 avd。我已将分区大小指定为 128,这在从命令行运行时工作得很好,但是当我将主机文件复制到 /system/etc/hosts 时,它总是在推送期间返回内存不足错误。构建的输出如下:
android - 仅通过 Jenkins 启动时,Android 模拟器 80% 的时间无法启动
嗨,我正在写一本 MAC 书。当我通过 Jenkins 80% 的时间启动 android 模拟器时,模拟器无法启动。没有詹金斯它可以工作。
我正在使用安卓模拟器插件。有趣的是,当我以 jenkins 用户身份使用命令行时,它也可以正常工作。有任何想法吗?
jenkins - Jenkins Android 模拟器插件未连接
我在使用 Jenkins 中的 Android 模拟器插件时遇到问题。我正在尝试启动一个模拟器,但大多数时候,它只会等到设备在线,导致超时。