问题标签 [android-drawer]

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android - 如何在 Android Studio 中执行导航?

我正在使用 MySQL 开发一个 Android 应用程序。我正在使用一个名为 selector.java 的类,它执行登录和注册导航。


在上述情况下,它会直接将我重定向到 MainDrawer.class,但是一旦登录成功,我需要导航到 MainDrawer.class。

如果我将上面的代码更改如下,那么它不会在成功登录后显示 MainDrawer



现在我想在成功登录后导航到 MainDrawer。我怎样才能做到这一点?

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android - Android Drawer Submenu with Edit Action and Title [Google Keep Example]

I want to have a group in my navigation drawer which has a title and next to the title there should be an edit button like in the new Google Keep App (see example below). Currently I can't find a sleek and working solution.

Google Keep example

My menu layout at the moment:

Currently only the title is displayed in the submenu but the edit button is missing. But if you just create an item without a menu child, the edit button will be displayed but the item is now an item and not a title as before.

I would like to have the same result as in the picture. The padding as well as the text size and color should be the default values from Android.

My edit_action.xml file looks like this:

My menu looks like this at the moment:

Menu at the moment

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android - 如何在抽屉内制作 RecyclerView?

我是安卓新手。我在服务器上有大量记录,我想在 android 应用程序中显示它们。我想在里面制作带有回收视图的抽屉,并将数百条记录加载到RecyclerView.



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android-layout - Android NavigationView抽屉设置最小拖动量打开

当你拖动它时,如何让抽屉自动打开(而不是自动关闭)?比如屏幕宽度的 10%,然后我们松开手指,抽屉就会打开。我们如何才能实现它?

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ionic-framework - 当应用程序在 Ionic 3 的抽屉中时如何更改应用程序导航栏颜色



我想将 Hrythm 应用程序导航栏颜色更改为红色,就像消息应用程序有自己的蓝色一样。


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android - 如何全屏打开侧边导航

我已navigation drawer在我的应用程序中添加,它打开如下




我检查了一些关于 SO 的答案,并将边距设置为-64dp但没有帮助,是否可以将导航抽屉的宽度设置为全屏。

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android - 如何在导航抽屉中添加雪佛龙

我在我的应用程序中使用导航抽屉,我需要在每一行的末尾添加 V 形,如下所示



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java - 如何在每个活动 android 中添加抽屉?




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android - How to add FlowingDrawer style to NavigationView Drawer Programmatically

NavigationDrawer imageI am new to android programming. i am really stucking in the place where i have to apply style like FlowingDrawer to DrawerLayout which already present. i have already created my navigationdrawer layout. in that i want to add FlowingDrawer. in my navigation drawer layout i have recycler view. please someone guide me to acheive this.

i want my layout look like this

FlowingDrawer Layout Picture




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android - 如何更新 Mikepenz 抽屉 android 中归档的用户名和电子邮件

所以在这里我想更新名称和电子邮件归档。这些数据将从 firebase 获取并希望更新名称、电子邮件字段