问题标签 [ag-grid]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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javascript - 如何在 ag-grid 中从 http 调用加载动态列和行(列和记录都应该是动态的)

我有要求,例如用户将单击任何表名,然后我必须在 ag-grid 中呈现相应的数据。

我正在使用角度 js 1.x。




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javascript - 一个函数返回中带有 eventListeners 的多个 document.createElement?

我有一个函数可以将某些内容返回到 dom(ag-grid 中的 cellrenderer)。是否可以使用 document.createElement() 创建两个不同的元素,使用 addEventListener() 附加事件侦听器,并在单个函数中返回它们?


这就是我想要做的。我能够让它返回 html 的唯一方法是在返回时添加 outerHTML 方法,但它似乎并没有以这种方式添加事件侦听器。如果您取消 .outerHTML ,它将返回 [object HTMLInputElement][object HTMLButtonElement]

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javascript - 如何使用 ag-grid 加载动态列和行?



输出 No Rows to Show
no rows to show is output


带有数据的控制台中的 $scope.gridOptions 对象


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javascript - 是否可以在 ag-grid angularjs 中覆盖 columnDefs 顺序?

是否可以在 ag-grid angularjs 中设置 columnDefs 索引值?

根据加载时间的用户,我需要更改 col 的顺序。


在网格中 Col1:模型,Col2:费率,Col3:价格 **参考图片**


在网格中 Col1:价格,Col2:价格,Col3:型号


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javascript - ag-grid: hierarchical tree of referenced nodes: how to make the referenced attributes editable?

I am testing the awesome ag-Grid component (really cool!) for a new Angular2 project. It should be used to display a CAD model structure with a "structure" (aka "tree"), and each node being the attributes of a CAD model.

Now, it is well possible to make a tree in ag-Grid. In its simpliest form, the data property holds the properties of the node (CAD model attributes). In this case, I can easily make the cells editable by assigning the property editable: true to the columnDefs.

However, the problem is, that if a CAD model is used in many places of the structure (tree), and one is edited, all others do not change.

Instead, the CAD models (the nodes) should in fact be references to the data, not the data itself. Ok, no problem with ag-Grid. Here you can see the comparison between a tree with copied nodes and a tree with referenced nodes:

Nodes are copied in the tree

ag-Grid's rowData:

The ag-Grid's column definition would be:

Nodes are referenced in the treee

ag-Grid's rowData:

where MODEL_OBJECT is a javascript reference to the model object, which would be e.g.:

And change the column definitions to:

See? The same properties are shown in the tree, but in fact they are fetched from the referenced POJS object. Thus, the models will be shared among their usages in the tree.

All well so far. But now - since there is a valueGetter for the column, the column weight is not directly editable. To be more precise, the ag-Grid allows to edit it, but it does not modify the value. Well, this is understandable since the valueGetter is acting as a mapping function which may not be "reversible" in the other direction. Consider something like 'data.firstName + data.lastName': how in the world should ag-grid know how to update data.firstname or data.lastName if the user enters another value for the column.

My question: how can I achieve the goal of having editable cells of referenced tree nodes? The intended effect is that if I edit the properties of a CAD model in one place of the tree, then the grid updates all other occurrences automatically, through the references.

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javascript - AG-GRID 中的单元格合并

我想使用本机 JS 合并 ag-grid 中的单元格。如果我选​​择多个单元格并单击一个按钮进行合并,那么单元格应该按照选择的顺序合并。

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javascript - 如何使用级别 [ag-grid] 根据父 ID 对行类别数据进行排序

我正在尝试根据父 ID 对分层类别对象进行排序,然后根据该级别与它的父级一起显示它。


** JSON 预期输出**


我在这里使用 ag-grid 并尝试通过 lodash.js 解决它这是我用来在列定义中呈现单元格的代码:

上面的代码很好地连接了字符串,但仍需要对其进行排序,如输出所示。这是我的 lodash.js 代码,它很短,但只有一个类别。

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javascript - 如何通过ag-grid中的角度材质菜单获取行数据

我有一个要求,在 ag-grid 中,我需要打开一个菜单来添加/编辑/删除该行数据。我正在使用角度材质菜单组件作为单元格模板 url。但是当单击该菜单项时,它不会触发 ag-grid 中的 onCellClicked 事件以获取对单击的行数据的引用,但是如果我单击远离菜单项的像素,则会触发事件。需要帮助弄清楚,如何在菜单单击时获取行数据。

我的 ag-grid 代码在这里:


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angularjs - 如何在 ag-grid 中编写自定义排序?

我有一个按字母数字排序的自定义排序功能。我已将其设置为 ag-grid 中提到的比较器,但是我发现它不起作用。请放一些光。

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javascript - ag-grid 没有填充在函数内部?

如果您发现一些愚蠢的东西,我是使用 agGrid 的新手,请原谅我。所以在此之前,我在 angularjs 上使用 Kendo Grid,但我们想切换到其他网格,所以我们现在正在尝试 agGrid。

下面是一个运行良好且一切正常的 aggrid 示例。但是,当我将网格选项移动到将在按钮单击时被调用的函数中时,我收到警告 - 找不到 ag-Grid 的网格选项。请确保属性 ag-grid 指向范围内的有效对象。

我无法理解问题出在哪里,因为在此功能内,剑道网格选项工作正常,剑道网格正在被填充,但我不确定我在使用 agGrid 时做错了什么。

