问题标签 [administrative]

For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.

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windows - UAC Elevation vs. Impersonation

(Skip to the bottom for the TLDR version.)

OK - so I have searched (really!) and all other UAC articles I have found seem to center on enabling, disabling, detecting or hiding UAC. My issue is not one of those, so here goes:

My user used to have the standard dual-token setup where I was in the Administrators group and the UAC's Consent UI would just ask me if I wanted to proceed. Now, we have separate administrative-level accounts that we need to use, and I have to authenticate with this new user. The problem I am having is that previously, starting an app as Administrator just elevated my current user, where now if I use the credentials of the new administrative user, whatever I am running runs AS that new user.

As an example, previously elevating CMD and typing whoami into the command prompt used to return my normal/current user, where it now returns the new administrative user.

This has serious negative consequences - since this is a new user, and an Administrative-level one, if any files are created using this new user, my normal user cannot write to or delete them unless I manually adjust permissions and ownership. If I use my development environment under the new account (e.g. I need to debug a service or work with a driver) and rebuild something, I end up with a bunch of files that I cannot manipulate unless I am an administrator. Likewise if I add a file while running as this new account - my SCM tool will not be able to update that file later unless it also runs under this new administrative account.

Also, Since a profile is associated with this user, things run under a completely different environment (different %USERNAME%, %USERPROFILE%, %LOCALAPPDATA%, etc.)

Installing an application will also work incorrectly if it is installed just for the current user (e.g. the "Just Me" option), instead of for all users. Things that are licensed to/in my normal user account also fail to function if run under the new account, because things are running as that new user.

The ripple effects of this change are getting larger and larger the more I work with it. So...

[TLDR] Is there a way to get temporary elevation of the current user without that user having the normal dual-token setup you get from being in the Administrative group? Or are you stuck with the impersonation behavior?

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c# - 一些用户需要管理权限才能运行我的程序


虽然许多用户运行我的程序没有问题,但有些用户需要激活 Windows“管理员”帐户并安装软件才能运行我的程序。即使他们已经拥有管理权限。


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powershell - 检查管理员权限的代码在某些服务器上不起作用

我在编写的一个小脚本中有一行代码,用于在执行之前检查 Powershell 是否具有管理权限。带有以下管理检查的代码段:


PowerShell 屏幕截图链接中的错误消息

编辑:需要明确的是,该脚本在大多数安装了 PowerShell 的服务器或计算机上都可以正常工作,客户只会偶尔遇到脚本问题。

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ruby-on-rails - [rails5.1/devise/administrative]Admin::AdminUsers#index 中的NameError

我正在努力解决错误(Admin::AdminUsers#index 中的 NameError)



但是,设置 :controller 后,parameter,ameError in Admin::AdminUsers#index会在访问 admin/ 路径时发生。





rake 路线相同

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allocation - Where can I find data with cities, districts, towns of each country?

Where can I find data with cities, districts, towns of each country? It can be paid service. It must include latitude and longitude.

I checked a few websites and they don't have precise information.

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json - Nominatim API (OSM) 管理信息

如何通过 Nominatim API 获取管理信息?

API 在此处提供包含所有详细信息的最后一页(我需要边界:管理数据):


…但是如果我想以 json 格式(参数format=json)获得它,我不会像以前的端点那样获得所有信息:


我试图使用“<a href="https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/api/Lookup/" rel="nofollow noreferrer">lookup”和“<a href="https:// nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/api/Details/" rel="nofollow noreferrer">details" 端点变体,但结果是一样的。

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privileges - 安装的应用程序权限
