问题标签 [address-bus]
For questions regarding programming in ECMAScript (JavaScript/JS) and its various dialects/implementations (excluding ActionScript). Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java! Please include all relevant tags on your question; e.g., [node.js], [jquery], [json], [reactjs], [angular], [ember.js], [vue.js], [typescript], [svelte], etc.
cpu - Intersection of data using CPU Address Bus
I'm reading a paper and in a part of this paper there is a note about intersecting sets using address bus. This is the exact quote from the paper:
Fast retrieval methods often rely on intersecting sets of documents that contain a particular word or feature. Semantic hashing is no exception. Each of the binary values in the code assigned to a document represents a set containing about half the entire document collection. Intersecting such sets would be slow if they were represented by explicit lists, but all computers come with a special piece of hardware – the address bus – that can intersect sets in a single machine instruction. Semantic hashing is simply a way of mapping the set intersections required for document retrieval directly onto the available hardware.
I have some basic knowledge about cpu architecture. All I need is an abstract explanation to understand how this operation is done.
P.S. The paper is about the sets, but my question is general (any kind of data).
hardware - 为什么不能一步读取未对齐的单词?
鉴于 CPU 的字长允许它寻址内存中的每一个字节。
并且考虑到通过PAE CPU 甚至可以使用比其字长更多的位来寻址。
例如,在 32 位机器中,您可以读取从位置 0 开始的 4 字节块,但不能读取从位置 1 开始的块(可以,但需要几个步骤)。
为什么 CPU 不能做到这一点?
c - Size of pointer on GPU vs. size of pointer on CPU
I am defining a struct on the device side. Will it have the same size on GPU and CPU?
memory - 给定 16 条地址线(总线)和 8 位字长的寻址能力是多少?
一台计算机有 16 条地址线(地址总线?)和 8 位字长。什么是可寻址性?
我发现地址空间是 2^16 = 65536,但我仍然不知道如何计算可寻址性。
assembly - 处理器地址总线的大小限制了内存的大小。它实际上是什么记忆?
例如,Intel 8086 有 20 位地址总线。处理器可以访问的最大地址数为 2^20 ~ 1MB。那么 1MB 是 RAM 或硬盘的最大大小吗?如果 1MB 是 RAM,那么处理器如何访问辅助内存?
memory - 数据总线和内存单元寻址混乱
对于 cpu 架构 x32,我们将有 32 位大小的 cpu 寄存器,以及到 32 线 ram 的数据总线和 32 线地址总线。所以最大内存地址单元是 2^32 = 4,294,967,296
换句话说,我们有 4,294,967,296 个内存单元,对于每个内存单元,数据总线 (32) 的大小应该是可写的,因此对于每个内存单元,它的大小应该是 32 位来处理数据总线
如果我的结论是正确的,我怀疑,(Ram)总内存大小应该是 = 内存单元数 * 每个大小 = 4,294,967,296 * 32 = 137,438,953,472 位。这不是真的
经过研究,我发现,rams 单元内存被标准化为每个内存单元 8 位,那么如果是这种情况,单个内存单元(8 位)怎么能存储(32 位数据总线)?