我创建了一个使用海龟图形绘制不同形状的程序。在 400 x 400 像素的 JFrame 之上有一个 5x5 的离散网格。它环绕顶部/底部和左/右,以防形状超出。

我现在需要做的是添加一个 2d 数组,它创建一个 400x400 的 0 数组。如果乌龟穿过任何像素(对应于二维数组中的一个点),则需要将 0 更改为 1。最好的方法是什么?我们最终会努力实现康威生命游戏的功能。


1 回答 1


在我看来,解决这个问题的最佳方法是跟踪海龟的位置(X 和 Y),使用double变量的方向,然后使用基本的三角函数来计算海龟击中的下一个“像素”。我假设您将使用计时器或循环来运行此代码,因此它可能看起来像这样:

//This code is somehwere in your program
class Turtle
     private double x;
     private double y;
     private double direction; //direction in radians
    public double getX() {
        return x;
    public void setX(double x) {
        this.x = x;
    public double getY() {
        return y;
    public void setY(double y) {
        this.y = y;
    public double getDirection() {
        return direction;
    public void setDirection(double direction) {
        while(direction > Math.PI * 2)
            direction -= Math.PI * 2;
        while(direction < 0)
            direction += Math.PI * 2;
        this.direction = direction;

private static final int GRID_WIDTH = 400;
private static final int GRID_HEIGHT = 400;

private Turtle myTurtle = new Turtle();
private boolean[][] grid = new boolean[GRID_WIDTH][GRID_HEIGHT];
JFrame myJFrame = new JFrame();
private Graphics gridImage = myJFrame.getGraphics();

private void initialise()
    for(int y = 0; y < GRID_HEIGHT; y++)
        for(int x = 0; x < GRID_WIDTH; x++)
            grid[x][y] = false;

    gridImage.fillRect(0, 0, GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT);

//This code would be inside the loop or timer callback function
private void myMainFunction()
    double newX, newY;
    double deltaX, deltaY;

    deltaX = Math.cos(myTurtle.getDirection());
    deltaY = Math.sin(myTurtle.getDirection());

    newX = myTurtle.getX() + deltaX;
    newY = myTurtle.getY() + deltaY;

    if(newX < 0)
        newX += GRID_WIDTH; 
    else if(newX > GRID_WIDTH)
        newX -=  GRID_WIDTH;    

    if(newY < 0)
        newY += GRID_HEIGHT; 
    else if(newY > GRID_HEIGHT)
        newY -=  GRID_HEIGHT;   

    grid[(int)Math.floor(newX)][(int)Math.floor(newY)] = true;

    gridImage.fillRect((int)Math.floor(newX), (int)Math.floor(newY), 1, 1);

于 2012-04-02T21:33:50.600 回答