我正在将交互式命令行工具转换为 Web 应用程序,并使用该工具作为后端。我接受用户命令(使用 AJAX)并调用提取命令的 perl CGI 脚本。然后我使用 expect 将命令发送到进程,收集输出并将其传递给生成的 html 页面。
我正在使用 FreezeThaw 在第一个请求后冻结期望对象,然后为以下请求解冻它。它冻结得很好,但不会解冻。
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use Expect;
use FreezeThaw qw(freeze thaw);
if ( -e "logFile" ) {
##Log file exists, just run the command after retrieving the object
##Retrieve object here
my ($expectObject) = thaw( $params{'object'} );
if ( $command eq 'exit' ) {
else {
print "log NOT exists!!";
##Log file doesn't exist, spawn a new process and loop
my $expectObject = Expect->spawn("command") || die "\nCannot spawn: $!\n";
$expectObject->expect( 15, "prompt>" );
$expectObject->expect( 15, "stile>" );
$output = $expectObject->before();
print "<br>$output<br>";
##Persist object here in file
my $serialized = freeze($expectObject);
##Write serialized object to file
die "Serialization Error (write):\n$!" if ( !addParameter( "$workingDir/$folderName", "object", $serialized ) );