有没有一种简单的方法来增加 WinForms MenuStrip 中菜单项文本与其快捷键之间的间距?如下所示,即使是 VS 生成的默认模板看起来也很糟糕,文本“打印预览”超出了其他项目的快捷键:
一个简单的方法是隔开较短的菜单项。例如,将“新建”菜单项的 Text 属性填充为“新建”,以便它在末尾有所有额外的空格,这将推动快捷方式。
// put in your ctor or OnLoad
// Note: the actual name of your MenuStrip may be different than mine
// go through each of the main menu items
foreach (var item in menuStrip1.Items)
if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
private void ResizeMenuItems(ToolStripItemCollection items)
// find the menu item that has the longest width
int max = 0;
foreach (var item in items)
// only look at menu items and ignore seperators, etc.
if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
// get the size of the menu item text
Size sz = TextRenderer.MeasureText(menuItem.Text, menuItem.Font);
// keep the longest string
max = sz.Width > max ? sz.Width : max;
// go through the menu items and make them about the same length
foreach (var item in items)
if (item is ToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem menuItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)item;
menuItem.Text = PadStringToLength(menuItem.Text, menuItem.Font, max);
private string PadStringToLength(string source, Font font, int width)
// keep padding the right with spaces until we reach the proper length
string newText = source;
while (TextRenderer.MeasureText(newText, font).Width < width)
newText = newText.PadRight(newText.Length + 1);
return newText;