I am making an app, with a very limited audience that logs into my mini website. It uses a HTTPS login dialog box though to access the site. How would I implement a setup where the user logs in with a username and password box on the first screen, submits the info with a button, which is used to log into the website, and then the user is taken to the next screen where there is a web viewer that is logged into and viewing the protected website.

This needs to be on Android and made in App Inventor, and I am quite clueless in programming, with little experience beyond hello world! :D I can string together some basic apps but here I am stumped. Please help! I just need some clear instruction really on what to do.


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尽管您的问题已经将近一年了,但如果您仍然需要它,我会通过您的解决方案。和你一样,我遇到了在 AppInventor 中创建登录对话框的需求,但我在网上找到的解决方案都没有完全符合我的想法,所以我决定自己开发它。该解决方案可用作任何新应用程序的模板,并提供以下功能:

  • 初始登录窗口,带有允许注册或记住密码的按钮(通过电子邮件)
  • 用户信息存储在 tinywebDB 中,密码基本加密
  • 与谷歌账户集成,允许用户通知他的谷歌账户,而不必记住另一个密码
  • 配置文件窗口,允许用户在注册后修改其设置


于 2013-03-24T20:29:01.710 回答