
Number| Count           
1    |  150                
2    |  40          
3    |  15          
4    |  3  

with a total of (150+40+15+3) = 208     
then the probability of a 1 is 150/208= 0.72    
and the probability of a 2 is 40/208 = 0.192    



我见过类似的例子, 它们不是很通用。有什么建议么?


7 回答 7


一般的方法是将均匀分布的随机数从 0..1 区间输入到所需分布的累积分布函数的倒数中

因此,在您的情况下,只需从 0..1 (例如 with Random.NextDouble())中抽取一个随机数 x 并根据其返回值

  • 1 如果 0 <= x < 150/208,
  • 2 如果 150/208 <= x < 190/208,
  • 3 如果 190/208 <= x < 205/208 并且
  • 4 否则。
于 2012-03-31T14:00:13.737 回答


  • 编写一个函数,计算给定 pdf 数组的 cdf 数组。在您的示例中,pdf 数组为 [150,40,15,3],cdf 数组为 [150,190,205,208]。


  • 在 [0,1) 中获取一个随机数,乘以 208,向上截断(或向下截断:我留给您考虑极端情况)您将在 1..208 中得到一个整数。将其命名为 r。
  • 对 r 的 cdf 数组执行二进制搜索。返回包含 r 的单元格的索引。

运行时间将与给定 pdf 数组大小的 log 成正比。哪个好。但是,如果您的数组大小总是很小(在您的示例中为 4),那么执行线性搜索会更容易并且性能也会更好。

于 2012-03-31T14:34:18.457 回答


选择具有自定义权重函数的整数的最简单方法之一f(x)拒绝抽样方法。以下假设 的最高可能f值为max。拒绝抽样的时间复杂度平均是恒定的,但很大程度上取决于分布的形状,并且最坏的情况是永远运行。k要使用拒绝采样在 [1, ] 中选择一个整数:

  1. i在 [1, k]中选择一个均匀的随机整数。
  2. 带着概率f(i)/max,回归i。否则,转到步骤 1。

其他算法的平均采样时间不太依赖于分布(通常是常数或对数),但通常需要您在设置步骤中预先计算权重并将它们存储在数据结构中。其中一些在平均使用的随机位数方面也很经济。这些算法包括别名方法Fast Loaded Dice Roller、Knuth-Yao 算法、MVN 数据结构等。有关调查,请参阅我的“带替换的加权选择”部分。

以下 C# 代码实现了 Michael Vose 版本的别名方法,如本文所述;另见这个问题。为了您的方便,我编写了此代码并在此处提供。

public class LoadedDie {
    // Initializes a new loaded die.  Probs
    // is an array of numbers indicating the relative
    // probability of each choice relative to all the
    // others.  For example, if probs is [3,4,2], then
    // the chances are 3/9, 4/9, and 2/9, since the probabilities
    // add up to 9.
    public LoadedDie(int probs){
        this.prob=new List<long>();
        this.alias=new List<int>();
    Random random=new Random();
    List<long> prob;
    List<int> alias;
    long total;
    int n;
    bool even;

    public LoadedDie(IEnumerable<int> probs){
        // Raise an error if nil
        if(probs==null)throw new ArgumentNullException("probs");
        this.prob=new List<long>();
        this.alias=new List<int>();
        var small=new List<int>();
        var large=new List<int>();
        var tmpprobs=new List<long>();
        foreach(var p in probs){
        // Get the max and min choice and calculate total
        long mx=-1, mn=-1;
        foreach(var p in tmpprobs){
            if(p<0)throw new ArgumentException("probs contains a negative probability.");
            mx=(mx<0 || p>mx) ? P : mx;
            mn=(mn<0 || p<mn) ? P : mn;
        // We use a shortcut if all probabilities are equal
        // Clone the probabilities and scale them by
        // the number of probabilities
        for(var i=0;i<tmpprobs.Count;i++){
        // Use Michael Vose's alias method
        for(var i=0;i<tmpprobs.Count;i++){
                small.Add(i); // Smaller than probability sum
                large.Add(i); // Probability sum or greater
        // Calculate probabilities and aliases
        while(small.Count>0 && large.Count>0){
            var l=small[small.Count-1];small.RemoveAt(small.Count-1);
            var g=large[large.Count-1];large.RemoveAt(large.Count-1);
            var newprob=(tmpprobs[g]+tmpprobs[l])-this.total;
        foreach(var g in large)
        foreach(var l in small)
    // Returns the number of choices.
    public int Count {
        get {
            return this.n;
    // Chooses a choice at random, ranging from 0 to the number of choices
    // minus 1.
    public int NextValue(){
        var i=random.Next(this.n);
        return (this.even || random.Next((int)this.total)<this.prob[i]) ? I : this.alias[i];


 var loadedDie=new LoadedDie(new int[]{150,40,15,3}); // list of probabilities for each number:
                                                      // 0 is 150, 1 is 40, and so on
 int number=loadedDie.nextValue(); // return a number from 0-3 according to given probabilities;
                                   // the number can be an index to another array, if needed


于 2012-03-31T18:53:11.177 回答



/// <summary> A class that will return one of the given items with a specified possibility. </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"> The type to return. </typeparam>
/// <example> If the generator has only one item, it will always return that item. 
/// If there are two items with possibilities of 0.4 and 0.6 (you could also use 4 and 6 or 2 and 3) 
/// it will return the first item 4 times out of ten, the second item 6 times out of ten. </example>
public class RandomNumberGenerator<T>
    private List<Tuple<double, T>> _items = new List<Tuple<double, T>>();
    private Random _random = new Random();

    /// <summary>
    /// All items possibilities sum.
    /// </summary>
    private double _totalPossibility = 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a new item to return.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="possibility"> The possibility to return this item. Is relative to the other possibilites passed in. </param>
    /// <param name="item"> The item to return. </param>
    public void Add(double possibility, T item)
        _items.Add(new Tuple<double, T>(possibility, item));
        _totalPossibility += possibility;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a random item from the list with the specified relative possibility.
    /// </summary>
    /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException"> If there are no items to return from. </exception>
    public T NextItem()
        var rand = _random.NextDouble() * _totalPossibility;
        double value = 0;
        foreach (var item in _items)
            value += item.Item1;
            if (rand <= value)
                return item.Item2;
        return _items.Last().Item2; // Should never happen
于 2017-03-15T12:14:39.207 回答


@Menjaraz 我尝试实现您的解决方案,因为它看起来非常资源友好,但是在语法上有一些困难。

所以现在,我只是使用 LINQ SelectMany() 和 Enumerable.Repeat() 将我的摘要转换为一个简单的值列表。

public class InventoryItemQuantityRandomGenerator
    private readonly Random _random;
    private readonly IQueryable<int> _quantities;

    public InventoryItemQuantityRandomGenerator(IRepository database, int max)
        _quantities = database.AsQueryable<ReceiptItem>()
            .Where(x => x.Quantity <= max)
            .GroupBy(x => x.Quantity)
            .Select(x => new
                                 Quantity = x.Key,
                                 Count = x.Count()
            .SelectMany(x => Enumerable.Repeat(x.Quantity, x.Count));

        _random = new Random();

    public int Next()
        return _quantities.ElementAt(_random.Next(0, _quantities.Count() - 1));
于 2012-04-01T11:46:24.903 回答

用我的方法。它简单易懂。我不计算 0...1 范围内的部分,我只使用“Probabilityp Pool”(听起来很酷,是吗?)




// Some c`lass or struct for represent items you want to roulette
public class Item
    public string name; // not only string, any type of data
    public int chance;  // chance of getting this Item

public class ProportionalWheelSelection
    public static Random rnd = new Random();

    // Static method for using from anywhere. You can make its overload for accepting not only List, but arrays also: 
    // public static Item SelectItem (Item[] items)...
    public static Item SelectItem(List<Item> items)
        // Calculate the summa of all portions.
        int poolSize = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
            poolSize += items[i].chance;

        // Get a random integer from 0 to PoolSize.
        int randomNumber = rnd.Next(0, poolSize) + 1;

        // Detect the item, which corresponds to current random number.
        int accumulatedProbability = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
            accumulatedProbability += items[i].chance;
            if (randomNumber <= accumulatedProbability)
                return items[i];
        return null;    // this code will never come while you use this programm right :)

// Example of using somewhere in your program:
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Item> items = new List<Item>();
            items.Add(new Item() { name = "Anna", chance = 100});
            items.Add(new Item() { name = "Alex", chance = 125});
            items.Add(new Item() { name = "Dog", chance = 50});
            items.Add(new Item() { name = "Cat", chance = 35});

            Item newItem = ProportionalWheelSelection.SelectItem(items);
于 2018-01-15T16:48:50.580 回答


using System;
using System.Linq;

    // ...
    private static readonly Random RandomGenerator = new Random();

    private int GetDistributedRandomNumber()
        double totalCount = 208;

        var number1Prob = 150 / totalCount;
        var number2Prob = (150 + 40) / totalCount;
        var number3Prob = (150 + 40 + 15) / totalCount;

        var randomNumber = RandomGenerator.NextDouble();

        int selectedNumber;

        if (randomNumber < number1Prob)
            selectedNumber = 1;
        else if (randomNumber >= number1Prob && randomNumber < number2Prob)
            selectedNumber = 2;
        else if (randomNumber >= number2Prob && randomNumber < number3Prob)
            selectedNumber = 3;
            selectedNumber = 4;

        return selectedNumber;


        int totalNumber1Count = 0;
        int totalNumber2Count = 0;
        int totalNumber3Count = 0;
        int totalNumber4Count = 0;

        int testTotalCount = 100;

        foreach (var unused in Enumerable.Range(1, testTotalCount))
            int selectedNumber = GetDistributedRandomNumber();

            Console.WriteLine($"selected number is {selectedNumber}");

            if (selectedNumber == 1)
                totalNumber1Count += 1;

            if (selectedNumber == 2)
                totalNumber2Count += 1;

            if (selectedNumber == 3)
                totalNumber3Count += 1;

            if (selectedNumber == 4)
                totalNumber4Count += 1;

        Console.WriteLine($"number 1 -> total selected count is {totalNumber1Count} ({100 * (totalNumber1Count / (double) testTotalCount):0.0} %) ");
        Console.WriteLine($"number 2 -> total selected count is {totalNumber2Count} ({100 * (totalNumber2Count / (double) testTotalCount):0.0} %) ");
        Console.WriteLine($"number 3 -> total selected count is {totalNumber3Count} ({100 * (totalNumber3Count / (double) testTotalCount):0.0} %) ");
        Console.WriteLine($"number 4 -> total selected count is {totalNumber4Count} ({100 * (totalNumber4Count / (double) testTotalCount):0.0} %) ");


selected number is 1
selected number is 1
selected number is 1
selected number is 1
selected number is 2
selected number is 1
selected number is 2
selected number is 3
selected number is 1
selected number is 1
selected number is 1
selected number is 1
selected number is 1

number 1 -> total selected count is 71 (71.0 %) 
number 2 -> total selected count is 20 (20.0 %) 
number 3 -> total selected count is 8 (8.0 %) 
number 4 -> total selected count is 1 (1.0 %)
于 2018-08-09T21:58:15.233 回答