您将进行并行树遍历 - 选择您的订单(预购、后购、有序)。如果在任何时候存储在当前节点中的值不同,那么两棵树也是如此。如果一个左节点为空而另一个不是,则树是不同的;同样适用于正确的节点。
Does node order matters? I'm assuming for this answer that the two following trees :
1 1
/ \ / \
3 2 2 3
are not equal, because node position and order is taken into account for the comparison.
A few hints
Being a bit more precise
Consider this generic tree:
/ \
/ \
-------- -------
| left | | right |
| subtree| |subtree|
-------- -------
rootnode is a single node. The two children are more generic, and represent binary trees. The children can either be empty, or a single node, or a fully-grown binary tree.
Do you agree that this representation is generic enough to represent any kind of non-empty binary tree? Are you able to decompose, say, this simple tree into my representation?
If you understand this concept, then this decomposition can help you to solve the problem. If you do understand the concept, but can't go any further with the algorithm, please comment here and I'll be a bit more specific :)
您可以使用Tree Traversal 之类的东西来检查每个值。
public boolean sameTree(Node root1, Node root2){
//base case :both are empty
if(root1==null && root2==null )
return true;
if(root1.equals(root2)) {
boolean left=sameTree(root1.left,root2.left);
boolean right=sameTree(root1.right,root2.right);
return (left && right);
}//end if
return false;
}//end else
编写 C 代码作为问题中提到的标签。
int is_same(node* T1,node* T2)
if(!T1 && !T2)
return 1;
if(!T1 || !T2)
return 0;
if(T1->data == T2->data)
int left = is_same(T1->left,T2->left);
int right = is_same(T1->right,T2->right);
return (left && right);
return 0;
bool isEqual(BinaryTreeNode *a, BinaryTreeNode *b)
return (a && b) ? (a->m_nValue==b->m_nValue && isEqual(a->m_pLeft,b->m_pLeft) && isEqual(a->m_pRight,b->m_pRight)) : (a == b);
我的解决方案是将两棵树展平为 2 个数组(使用级别顺序),然后遍历每个项目并进行比较。您知道两个数组的顺序相同。您可以进行简单的预检查,例如如果数组大小不同,那么两棵树就不一样。
级别顺序相当容易实现,关于树遍历的 Wikipedia 文章基本上为您提供了所需的一切,包括代码。如果问题中要求效率,那么最好使用非递归解决方案,并使用 FIFO 列表(C# 用语中的队列 - 我不是 C 程序员)来完成。