Is it posible,
to modify or edit txt file,
if the file's permission is set as 606 ,
via WEB browser , by normal users ?

I mean I make a txt file named "1.txt"

The first original contents of the txt file is "PAX is great man"

and then ,I upload this file to server.

I set the permission of the file as 606.

so the general users can now modify the file.

so anyone become to be able to edit that file into "PAX eat camel meat" ?

or can not?


5 回答 5


If your webserver does not support the PUT or DELETE command (and most webservers don't by default) and you don't provide a script where any user can edit your files from the outside, I see no way a remote user could edit your file. W3.org. Just a short additional note: If only the webserver and a browser are involved in this case, you could even change the rights of this file to 777 and no one should be able to edit your file.

于 2009-06-14T11:27:19.503 回答

This entirely depends on your webserver, certainly anyone on the local system (who isn't in the group) can write to the file.

于 2009-06-14T10:55:20.360 回答

'606' means read AND write permissions for the user creating the file and for others. So in effect in enables anyone to edit the file if they are on the same system. Whether they can do it via the Web browser depends on the webserver and its configuration.

于 2009-06-14T10:56:51.293 回答


于 2009-07-07T16:22:46.090 回答



(A) 您不拥有您的服务器。您不能对服务器进行系统范围的配置更改。

(B) 其他人可以登录使用此服务器。(这意味着可以访问此服务器的命令提示符。)您不信任这些人,也不希望他们修改您的文件。

(C) 您的 Web 服务器是 Apache 或 Microsoft IIS。



(1) 当您访问该 URL 时,它会显示文件的原始内容和一个“修改”按钮。如果单击“修改”按钮,原始内容将显示在文本区域并出现“保存”按钮。完成编辑后,单击“保存”以保存更改。

(2) 没有编辑界面。该界面就像一个“文件管理器”。您只需上传另一个同名文件即可覆盖/替换原始文件。


如果你想要的是上面的(1),你必须编写一个服务器端脚本(例如PHP,ASP等)(当然你也可以使用其他人编写的服务器端脚本!)。确保您的服务器确实支持您选择的语言(+ 依赖库)。


(1) 您可以将FTP服务器添加到您的服务器(如果可以)。然后使用带有 FireFTP 插件的 Firefox(或使用 Internet Explorer,如果这是您的选择),您可以上传/下载文件。

(2) 您可以将WebDAV模块添加/启用到您的 Web 服务器。添加“WebDAV”功能允许通过HTTP打开/上传文件。Microsoft 将此称为“网络文件夹”。Linux 和 Apple 将其称为“WebDAV”(原始名称)。使用 Windows Explorer (Windows) / nautilus (Linux - Gnome) / Finder (Max OS X) 上传文件应该没有问题,即使它们不是浏览器。




于 2009-07-26T21:44:55.267 回答