我已经为 Rally 中的缺陷配置了一个自定义网络链接字段。我想使用 Rally rest .net api 向 Rally 提交具有自定义 weblink 字段值的新缺陷。

不幸的是,weblink 实例需要 LinkID 和 DisplayString 值,我不知道如何启动 weblink 实例来设置缺陷字段。

我还尝试将 Rally rest .net api 支持的 DynamicJsonObject 设置到该字段,但它仍然失败。

调试截图 在此处输入图像描述




        var api = new RallyRestApi("<myusername>", "<mypassword>", "https://community.rallydev.com");

        var defect = new DynamicJsonObject();
        defect["Name"] = "Sample Defect";
        defect["Description"] = "Test posting defect with weblink type field";
        defect["Project"] = "https://trial.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.29/project/5839639589.js";
        defect["SubmittedBy"] = "https://trial.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.29/user/5797741589.js";
        defect["ScheduleState"] = "In-Progress";
        defect["State"] = "Open";
        defect["Severity"] = "Major Problem";
        defect["Priority"] = "High Attention";
        defect["CustWebLink"] = new DynamicJsonObject(new Dictionary<string, object> 
            {"DisplayString", "abc"},
            {"LinkID", "123"}

        CreateResult creationResult = api.Create("defect", defect);

现在缺陷可以发布到 Rally,但没有 CustWebLink 的值。在调查时,我看到在发布请求的序列化中忽略了 CustWebLink 字段。

  Rally.RestApi Post Response: {"CreateResult": {"_rallyAPIMajor": "1", "_rallyAPIMinor": "29", "Errors": [], "Warnings": ["Ignored JSON element defect.CustWebLink during processing of this request."],.....}

1 回答 1


这相对简单,您只需为 Weblink 创建单独的 DynamicJsonObject,并为其分配 LinkID 和 DisplayString 属性的值。然后,将 Weblink 对象分配为缺陷的字段。这是一个简单的例子:

    //Set our Workspace and Project scopings

    String workspaceRef = "/workspace/5912034914";
    String projectRef = "/project/5912035004";

    DynamicJsonObject myDefect = new DynamicJsonObject();
    DynamicJsonObject myWeblink = new DynamicJsonObject();

    // Populate the Weblink
    myWeblink["LinkID"] = "123456";
    myWeblink["DisplayString"] = "External Image Link";

    // Populate the Defect
    myDefect["Name"] = "My Defect";
    myDefect["Priority"] = "Normal";
    myDefect["Workspace"] = workspaceRef;
    myDefect["Project"] = projectRef;
    myDefect["zWeblinkField"] = myWeblink;

    CreateResult createDefect = restApi.Create("Defect", myDefect);
于 2012-04-01T19:54:44.737 回答