使用语句 Roslyn 脚本/代码排序和删除(未使用)?我正在寻找一些可以在项目中运行并对未使用的 using 语句进行排序和删除的 .NET/Roslyn(编译器即服务)代码。我相信罗斯林有可能吗?谁能指出我可以重写的代码?


5 回答 5


这是 Visual Studio 中的一个功能,但在学术上我认为你会使用 SyntaxTree 中的语句来收集,如下所示:

var usings = syntaxTree.Root.DescendentNodes().Where(node is UsingDirectiveSyntax);


private static IEnumerable<INamespaceSymbol> GetNamespaceSymbol(ISymbol symbol)
    if (symbol != null && symbol.ContainingNamespace != null)
        yield return symbol.ContainingNamespace;

var ns = semanticModel.SyntaxTree.Root.DescendentNodes().SelectMany(node =>
于 2012-04-02T20:21:50.073 回答

Roslyn CTP September 2012 提供了一种GetUnusedImportDirectives()方法,在这里很有用。

通过修改 Matt 引用的OrganizeSolution示例项目,您可以使用指令实现(未使用)的排序和删除。可以在此处找到此项目的(过时)版本:http: //go.microsoft.com/fwlink/ ?LinkId=263977 。它已经过时了,因为 document.GetUpdatedDocument()不再存在,

var document = newSolution.GetDocument(documentId);
var transformation = document.OrganizeImports();
var newDocument = transformation.GetUpdatedDocument();


var document = newSolution.GetDocument(documentId);
var newDocument = document.OrganizeImports();

添加newDocument = RemoveUnusedImportDirectives(newDocument);并提供以下方法可以解决问题。

private static IDocument RemoveUnusedImportDirectives(IDocument document)
    var root = document.GetSyntaxRoot();
    var semanticModel = document.GetSemanticModel();

    // An IDocument can refer to both a CSharp as well as a VisualBasic source file.
    // Therefore we need to distinguish those cases and provide appropriate casts.  
    // Since the question was tagged c# only the CSharp way is provided.
    switch (document.LanguageServices.Language)
        case LanguageNames.CSharp:
            var oldUsings = ((CompilationUnitSyntax)root).Usings;
            var unusedUsings = ((SemanticModel)semanticModel).GetUnusedImportDirectives();
            var newUsings = Syntax.List(oldUsings.Where(item => !unusedUsings.Contains(item)));
            root = ((CompilationUnitSyntax)root).WithUsings(newUsings);
            document = document.UpdateSyntaxRoot(root);

        case LanguageNames.VisualBasic:
            // TODO
    return document;
于 2013-07-16T12:52:46.160 回答

我使用以下扩展方法对 usings 进行排序

internal static SyntaxList<UsingDirectiveSyntax> Sort(this SyntaxList<UsingDirectiveSyntax> usingDirectives, bool placeSystemNamespaceFirst = false) =>
        .OrderBy(x => x.StaticKeyword.IsKind(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword) ? 1 : x.Alias == null ? 0 : 2)
        .ThenBy(x => x.Alias?.ToString())
        .ThenByDescending(x => placeSystemNamespaceFirst && x.Name.ToString().StartsWith(nameof(System) + "."))
        .ThenBy(x => x.Name.ToString()));

compilationUnit = compilationUnit.WithUsings(SortUsings(compilationUnit.Usings))
于 2015-12-03T10:19:13.453 回答

查看 Roslyn 附带的 OrganizeSolution 示例项目。它做的事情类似于你想要的。它执行排序部分。您还必须使用 Jeff 展示的 SemanticModel 来确定源中是否没有对特定命名空间的引用。

于 2012-04-03T22:46:05.757 回答

For removing statements, check out the FAQ item 30 in the solution in the following directory, in the FAQ.cs file: (Note this is for the June 2012 CTP version of Roslyn).

%userprofile%\Documents\Microsoft Roslyn CTP - June 2012\CSharp\APISampleUnitTestsCS

There is also a FAQ which refers to this project:


Here is the sample rewriter from the sample code, which removes assignment statements.

// Below SyntaxRewriter removes multiple assignement statements from under the 
// SyntaxNode being visited.
public class AssignmentStatementRemover : SyntaxRewriter
    public override SyntaxNode VisitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatementSyntax node)
        SyntaxNode updatedNode = base.VisitExpressionStatement(node);

        if (node.Expression.Kind == SyntaxKind.AssignExpression)
            if (node.Parent.Kind == SyntaxKind.Block)
                // There is a parent block so it is ok to remove the statement completely.
                updatedNode = null;
                // The parent context is some statement like an if statement without a block.
                // Return an empty statement.
                updatedNode = Syntax.EmptyStatement()
     return updatedNode;
于 2012-07-15T12:53:32.997 回答