Windows 实现似乎只愿意通过 CRT 参数执行 RSA,而将 D 作为可能被忽略的值。至少,CRT 参数是必需的输入。
首先,我们需要将您的数组转换为 BigInteger 值。我在这里假设您有 Big-Endian 编码值。如果它们是 Little-Endian,请不要调用Array.Reverse()
并将复制到索引从 1 更改为 0。
private static BigInteger GetBigInteger(byte[] bytes)
byte[] signPadded = new byte[bytes.Length + 1];
Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, signPadded, 1, bytes.Length);
return new BigInteger(signPadded);
所以现在你有了三个 BigInteger 值,n
, e
, d
// Unless someone tried really hard to make this break it'll work.
if (n < d)
BigInteger tmp = n;
n = d;
d = tmp;
现在,使用NIST Special Publication 800-56B Recommendation for Pair-Wise August 2009 Key Establishment Schemes Using Integer Factorization Cryptography,附录 C中的算法(在中共享),我们可以计算BigInteger 值。不过,有一个微妙的微妙之处。RSAParameters 值必须具有正确的填充量,而 RSACryptoServiceProvider 不会为您执行此操作。
private static RSAParameters RecoverRSAParameters(BigInteger n, BigInteger e, BigInteger d)
using (RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create())
BigInteger k = d * e - 1;
if (!k.IsEven)
throw new InvalidOperationException("d*e - 1 is odd");
BigInteger two = 2;
BigInteger t = BigInteger.One;
BigInteger r = k / two;
while (r.IsEven)
r /= two;
byte[] rndBuf = n.ToByteArray();
if (rndBuf[rndBuf.Length - 1] == 0)
rndBuf = new byte[rndBuf.Length - 1];
BigInteger nMinusOne = n - BigInteger.One;
bool cracked = false;
BigInteger y = BigInteger.Zero;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && !cracked; i++)
BigInteger g;
g = GetBigInteger(rndBuf);
while (g >= n);
y = BigInteger.ModPow(g, r, n);
if (y.IsOne || y == nMinusOne)
for (BigInteger j = BigInteger.One; j < t; j++)
BigInteger x = BigInteger.ModPow(y, two, n);
if (x.IsOne)
cracked = true;
if (x == nMinusOne)
y = x;
if (!cracked)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Prime factors not found");
BigInteger p = BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(y - BigInteger.One, n);
BigInteger q = n / p;
BigInteger dp = d % (p - BigInteger.One);
BigInteger dq = d % (q - BigInteger.One);
BigInteger inverseQ = ModInverse(q, p);
int modLen = rndBuf.Length;
int halfModLen = (modLen + 1) / 2;
return new RSAParameters
Modulus = GetBytes(n, modLen),
Exponent = GetBytes(e, -1),
D = GetBytes(d, modLen),
P = GetBytes(p, halfModLen),
Q = GetBytes(q, halfModLen),
DP = GetBytes(dp, halfModLen),
DQ = GetBytes(dq, halfModLen),
InverseQ = GetBytes(inverseQ, halfModLen),
使用“棘手的” BigInteger-to-suitable-for-RSAParameters-byte[] 方法:
private static byte[] GetBytes(BigInteger value, int size)
byte[] bytes = value.ToByteArray();
if (size == -1)
size = bytes.Length;
if (bytes.Length > size + 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot squeeze value {value} to {size} bytes from {bytes.Length}.");
if (bytes.Length == size + 1 && bytes[bytes.Length - 1] != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot squeeze value {value} to {size} bytes from {bytes.Length}.");
Array.Resize(ref bytes, size);
return bytes;
为了计算 InverseQ,您需要 ModInverse:
private static BigInteger ModInverse(BigInteger e, BigInteger n)
BigInteger r = n;
BigInteger newR = e;
BigInteger t = 0;
BigInteger newT = 1;
while (newR != 0)
BigInteger quotient = r / newR;
BigInteger temp;
temp = t;
t = newT;
newT = temp - quotient * newT;
temp = r;
r = newR;
newR = temp - quotient * newR;
if (t < 0)
t = t + n;
return t;
在我的计算机上,对于 1024 位密钥,我在约 50 毫秒内从 (n, e, d) 恢复 P 和 Q。4096 位密钥约 2-4 秒。
喜欢单元测试的实现者请注意:P 和 Q 并没有真正定义的顺序(就像 P 总是较大的约定一样),因此您的 P 和 Q 值可能与您开始使用的 RSAParameters 结构相反。DP和DQ也将因此被颠倒。