if (is_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['ulimage']['tmp_name']))
$targetfilename = ImageHelper::treatFilename(uniqid() . "_" . $_FILES['ulimage']['name']);
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['ulimage']['tmp_name'], dirname(__FILE__) . "/tmp/" . $_FILES['ulimage']['name']);
ImageHelper::resizeImage(dirname(__FILE__) . "/tmp/" . @$_FILES['ulimage']['name'], dirname(__FILE__) . "/tmp/thumb/" . $targetfilename, $width, $height);
但也许您想在使用之前了解一些您从网络复制和过去的代码。在没有转义系统的情况下使用 $_ vars 并使用 @ 来隐藏错误并不是真正需要信任......
// first you check if the is done uploading in the tmp directory with is tmp name
if (is_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['ulimage']['tmp_name']))
// here, you rebuild a explicit name using the original filename and a
// unique ID to avoid erasing another one
$targetfilename = ImageHelper::treatFilename(uniqid() . "_" . $_FILES['ulimage']['name']);
// you rename the file an put it in ./tmp, a subdir of the
// script file (because of dirname(__FILE__))
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['ulimage']['tmp_name'], dirname(__FILE__) . "/tmp/" . $_FILES['ulimage']['name']);
// Here create a rezided copy
// so it's here you can decide to make it go to ./tmp/thumb
// make sure the dir exists before because you have no clue here
// if ImageHelper will create it for you if not
ImageHelper::resizeImage(dirname(__FILE__) . "/tmp/thumb/" . @$_FILES['ulimage']['name'], dirname(__FILE__) . "/tmp/thumb/" . $targetfilename, $width, $height);