下面的类是我的删除类,我想从数据库中删除用户,我有一个添加类和搜索类,它们共享同一个数据库 private Database db;

package TakeMeOut;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTextField;

public class Delete extends JFrame implements ActionListener


    /** {@link JTextField} where the user number is entered */
    private  JTextField userID = new JTextField(7);

    /** {@link JTextArea} for the client information */
    private  JTextArea information = new JTextArea(5, 39);

    /**{@link JButton} Search button */
    private  JButton Deleteuser = new JButton("Delete");

     * Default constructor. Create a new search panel with a {@link JTextField} for client ID and a {@link JTextArea} for detailed
     * information on the client..
    private Database db; 

    public Delete(Database db) 
        { this.db = db; 

        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        setSize(450, 250);
        setTitle("Delete Client");

        /** dispose of the window when the close button is clicked*/

        JPanel top = new JPanel();

        /** add the veritable of JButton to the top panel*/
        /**add the bottom panel to the bottom of the screen*/
        add("North", top);

        top.add(new JLabel("Enter Client Number:"));
        add("North", top);

        JPanel middle = new JPanel();
        middle.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        add("South", middle);

        /** do not allow enduser to set the size of the screen*/

        // listen to the button

     * delete user from database when the delete button is clicked
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        User u = (userID.getText());

        information.setText(u.toString() + " has been deleted");    

下面的类是我的数据库类,它有 remove 方法,我试图将它传递给上面的 Delete 类。

import java.util.*;
public class Database 
    * Map of users keyed on userId              
    Map <String, User> users; 

    /**    @Database          
    * the empty map  which would be used to  collect the users.                     
    public Database() 
        users = new HashMap<String, User>();


    * Type for checking users
  public  static void main(String [] args){
             new Database();

    /** check if the UserID is already in use if so return false, else
     *   add key pair to the Map. 
     *   USERID will be key of map 
     *     @
    public boolean addUser(User userIn) 

        String keyIn = userIn.getUSERID(); 
        if (users.containsKey(keyIn)) 
            return false; 

            users.put(keyIn, userIn); 
            return true; 

     * @param remove the user with the given useridIn, from the Map
     * check if user was removed and does not equal to no null 
     * @return If the user is not  removed return false
     *  */
    public boolean removeUser(String useridln) 
        if (users.remove(useridln)!= null) 
            return true; 
            return false; 

     * return the number of users in the Map collection  
     * */
    public int getTotalNumberOfUsers()
        return users.size();

    /** return the user with the given userid or null if no such user
     * */
    public User getUser (String useridIn)
        return users.get(useridIn);

    /** return the set of users in the collection
     * set is used to store the set of users  and to get the set of keys.
     * iterate through the keys and put each value in the userSetn and return the set of users
     * */
    public Set<User> getAllUsers ()

        Set<User> userSet = new HashSet<User>(); 
        Set<String> theKeys = users.keySet(); 

        for (String userid : theKeys)
            User theUser = users.get(userid);
        return userSet; 


    public String toString(){

        return users.toString();


public  class User  {

    /**declared attributes */
    private String username;  
    private String gender;
    private String age;
    public  String userid;

     /** User constructor with four  types of string objects and the declared methods */
      public User(String usernameIn, String genderIn, String ageIn, String useridIn) {

    /* declared methods*/
      username = usernameIn; 
      gender = genderIn;
      age = ageIn;
      userid = useridIn;

       * @return
    public String getUsername() {
      return username;

 * @return
    public String getGender() {
      return gender;

     * @return
    public String getAge() {
      return age;

     * @return
    public String getUSERID() {
        return userid;

     * ToString return the customized values
    public String toString()
        return"       "+ username +"     " + gender + "     " + age + " \n";


User u = new User(Inputusername.getText(),  selection , age.getText(), inputuserid.getText());



2 回答 2


请尽量遵守Java 代码约定,尤其是关于字段和方法如何以小写字母开头的规则。这将使您的代码更易于阅读。


    User u = User db.getUser(userID.getText());             

第一行通常是错误的(“= User”是什么意思?)但更重要的是:

    public boolean removeUser(String useridln) 

该方法需要一个字符串,而不是用户对象,因此如果您传递 userID.getText() ,它应该可以工作。


于 2012-03-28T07:37:59.397 回答

我设法弄错了,我用 User 对象而不是用户的 id 来调用它

 User u =  db.getUser(userID.getText());             
于 2012-03-28T15:36:07.887 回答