I have a website with a manifest that validates (http://manifest-validator.com/), and files are clearly downloaded since the "progress" event is fired for each file - but, window.applicationCache.status is always 0 (which mean the website does not have a cache manifest). This is in Firefox 11.

This is at first load. When i refresh the page after the manifest is donwloaded, the applicationcache status if first checking, and the idle - which is correct.

Any ideas?


1 回答 1


我看到了类似的结果——Firefox 的 applicationCache 状态和事件仍然存在重大问题。

我已经提交了错误 825618以希望再次得到更多关注,尽管我看到了一些其他类似的错误,这些错误应该很久以前就已经标记了这个问题,但基本上仍未解决。

于 2012-12-31T17:12:39.273 回答