我正在生成的 ATOM 提要存在问题,并且条目在阅读器中重复。

我开发了一个 C# 类来创建 ATOM 提要条目,并最终从我的数据元素中创建一个完整的提要对象。它符合 Atom Syndication Feed Format 的 RFC 4287。


我还在我的直接 Atom 提要和 FeedBurner 提要之间看到了两种不同的行为。

这是两个提要。 http://feeds.feedburner.com/oldtownhome/ http://www.oldtownhome.com/index.atom

我已经通过 Google Reader 订阅了这两个提要,并且收到了其他用户的报告,他们看到了同样的问题,但对于他们何时看到问题与我并不一致。

提要 #1 的问题:提要中当前的提要项目(25 个条目提要)随机重复。这可以是一天内的单个重复,几天内的多个项目重复,或者有时整个提要内容似乎在一天内“重新发布”,即使它们在前几天已经存在。

提要 #2 的问题:帖子似乎随机重复,即使条目从主提要中落下(尽管它们可能通过站点上的其他 Atom 提要提供,例如单个类别的 Atom 提要)。

我已经完成了我能想到的一切。我确保 pubDate 永远不会改变,文档的每个链接自发布时起都不会改变,添加了一个节点,该节点以帖子的实际和不变的 guid 作为值,但似乎没有任何帮助。我什至强迫 feedburner 使用我的 XML,希望问题可能出在 feedburner 中。


更新 一个可能相关的项目,我的 feedburner 发送的电子邮件昨天通过“最新帖子”报告了 25 个新帖子(它在主要提要中获取此信息的总数)。在这 25 个帖子中,有 24 个不是新帖子,并且在过去 30 天左右之前一次发布一个。只有 1 个帖子是新帖子,它与其他帖子混在了顶部。

这是否可能与 Feedburner 无法访问我的提要(因为它已关闭或其他原因)的某些连接问题有关,然后当它重新上线 Feedburner 时,整个内容都是新的?一年多来,我的服务器没有出现任何长时间中断,但问题可能持续了 30 秒到 5 分钟。

This is the most frustrating issue because Feedburner/Google Reader are both such black boxes.


1 回答 1


If anyone stumbles on this random post when looking for duplicate Google Reader post solutions, I think I may have discovered the root cause of the issue, and it's annoying.

The blog had many many atom feeds, but only one primary. The primary feed listed the 25 most recent posts at any given time, but beyond that feed, there were other discoverable feeds listed in the meta data of the content. These included category feeds, comment feeds, page specific feeds, popular posts feeds, etc. It seems that Google Reader, in all of its wisdom, was crawling all of these feeds and treating them all as absolutely distinct feeds and items, even though they all had the same unique id for the posts (url for the post). Once I removed all of these as discoverable feeds, and also made sure to redirect the main non www feed to the one with www, to ensure all urls are unique and not duplicated, all seems to be well with the world and google reader is no longer duplicating the content.

Well, that was many months of annoying and frustrating items trying to troubleshoot a service that has absolutely not ability to debug or provide useful information for a developer.

I hope this helps someone...someday.

于 2012-06-06T20:52:04.620 回答