我正在使用 Value Injector 来管理我在 ASP.NET MVC 项目中的映射,到目前为止效果很好。域具有长度测量的概念,作为标准度量单位存储在数据库中,并作为十进制值公开给服务层。
在 UI 上下文中渲染长度,具体取决于被测量的对象、用户文化等。有关上下文的提示由视图模型类型的属性上的属性表示。使用值注入器,我想在注入时检查这些属性并显示一个适当格式的字符串来显示,当源属性是小数并且目标属性是用上述属性之一装饰的字符串时。
namespace TargetValueAttributes
public class Person
public decimal Height { get; set; }
public decimal Waist { get; set; }
public class PersonViewModel
public string Height { get; set; }
public string Waist { get; set; }
public enum LengthType
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = true)]
public class LengthLocalizationHintAttribute : Attribute
public LengthType SuggestedLengthType { get; set; }
public LengthLocalizationHintAttribute(LengthType suggestedLengthType)
SuggestedLengthType = suggestedLengthType;
public class LengthLocalizationInjection : FlatLoopValueInjection<decimal, string>
protected override void Inject(object source, object target)
base.Inject(source, target);//I want to be able to inspect the attributes on the target value here
protected override string SetValue(decimal sourceValues)
var derivedLengthType = LengthType.MetricMeters;//here would be even better
return sourceValues.ToLength(derivedLengthType);//this is an extension method that does the conversion to whatever the user needs to see