在 Snap 源Snap.Internal.Http.Server.TimeoutManager
-- | Register a new connection with the TimeoutManager.
register :: IO () -- ^ action to run when the timeout deadline is
-- exceeded.
-> TimeoutManager -- ^ manager to register with.
-> IO TimeoutHandle
register killAction tm = do
now <- getTime
let !state = Deadline $ now + toEnum defaultTimeout
stateRef <- newIORef state
let !h = TimeoutHandle killAction stateRef getTime
atomicModifyIORef connections $ \x -> (h:x, ())
inact <- readIORef inactivity
when inact $ do
-- wake up manager thread
writeIORef inactivity False
_ <- tryPutMVar morePlease ()
return ()
return h
getTime = _getTime tm
inactivity = _inactivity tm
morePlease = _morePlease tm
connections = _connections tm
defaultTimeout = _defaultTimeout tm
为什么会有 _morePlease 字段?
做什么_ <- tryPutMVar morePlease ()