我对持续集成如何与 Windows Phone 应用程序一起工作感到有点困惑。有没有办法自动将应用程序上传到市场,还是您仍然需要手动更新?


哪个程序最适合测试、构建和持续集成 Windows Phone 7 应用程序?

编辑:我使用的是 Atlassian Jira,但 Bamboo 似乎只适用于 Web 应用程序,而不是部署在设备上的应用程序。我没有要求,也没有经验,甚至不了解 CI 如何与非基于 Web 的项目一起工作。但是,我确实希望我们的代码在提交给 SVN 之前通过所有测试,如果有一种方法可以自动将最新的稳定版本推送给我们的用户,那将是非常棒的。


1 回答 1


Marketplace submission is a manual process and there is currently no way to do this automatically.

There are various continuous integration processes and tools available. Whether you need a separate server to run it on or which program will be "best" for you will depend on your scenario, requirements, experience and preferences.

You can use any solution which supports Visual Studio 2010 as long as you can install the Windows Phone SDK on the same machine. Hosted solutions may or may not allow you to do this.

于 2012-03-26T09:40:31.023 回答