我有一个笨拙的 PHP 代码,我用它来获取诸如 pi、phi、2、3 的平方根等无理数的近似分数。我想获得一个可以在 MatLab 上使用的公式,并获取两个数据表并根据近似分数数绘制一个图。也许有人已经可以从中获取信息,但我将提供 PHP 代码来补充这个案例:
$n = phi(); # irrational number (imaginary/complex number?)
$x = 500; # how many numbers to check
$max = 50; # how many instances to show
$precision = 0.0001;
# check every i against every j and make a comparison how near their values are to each other
for ($i=1; $i<$x; $i++) {
for ($j=1; $j<$x; $j++) {
# compared value is stored on array. very distant numbers needs to be discarded ($precision) or array gets easily too big, limit 64k
if (($d = abs(($n - ($i/$j)))) && $d > $precision) continue;
$c[] = array($i, $j, $d);
# sort comparison chart by third index (2)
array_qsort($c, 2);
# print max best values from the sorted comparison chart
$count = count($c);
echo "closest fraction numbers for $n from $count calculated values are:<br />\n<br />\n";
$r = 0;
foreach ($c as $abc) {
$d = $abc[0]/$abc[1];
echo $abc[0] . '/' . $abc[1] . ' = ' . $d . ' (' . round($abc[2]*(1/$precision), 10) . ')' . "<br />\n";
if ($r > $max) break;