enter code 

for($i=0;$ientry);$i++) {

//get the id from entry
$id = $xml->entry[$i]->id;

//explode the $id by ":"
$id_parts = explode(":",$id);

//the last part is the tweet id
$tweet_id = array_pop($id_parts);

//get the account link
$account_link = $xml->entry[$i]->author->uri;

//get the image link
$image_link = $xml->entry[$i]->link[1]->attributes()->href;

//get name from entry and trim the last ")"
$name = trim($xml->entry[$i]->author->name, ")");   

//explode $name by the rest "(" inside it
$name_parts = explode("(", $name);  

//get the real name of user from the last part
$real_name = trim(array_pop($name_parts));

//the rest part is the screen name
$screen_name = trim(array_pop($name_parts));

//get the published time, replace T & Z with " " and trim the last " "
$published_time = trim(str_replace(array("T","Z")," ",$xml->entry[$i]->published));

//get the status link
$status_link = $xml->entry[$i]->link[0]->attributes()->href;

//get the tweet 
$tweet = $xml->entry[$i]->content;

//remove <b> and </b> from the tweet. If you want to show bold keyword then you can comment this line
$tweet = str_replace(array("<b>", "</b>"),array("<p><big><big>",""), $tweet);

//get the source link
$source = $xml->entry[$i]->source;

//the result div that holds the information
echo '<div class="result" id="'. $tweet_id .'">
        <div class="profile_image"><a href="'. $account_link .'"><img src="'. $image_link .'"></a></div>
         <div class="status">
            <div class="content">
                 '. $tweet .'



代码中的 .$tweet 变量包含推文文本,还包含已发布推文的 url、#hashtags 和 @replies。




1 回答 1



$cleanText = preg_replace("/[#@]\\S+/", "", $tweetText);
于 2009-06-12T11:24:38.047 回答