对于像 OP 显示的简单计数,Order by 并不是严格需要的。如果他们正在使用子查询的结果,则可能是。我正在处理一个类似的问题,并在以下查询中遇到相同的错误:
-- 我希望成本表中更新日期等于最大更新日期的行:
SELECT * FROM #Costs Cost
SELECT Entityname, costtype, MAX(updatedtime) MaxUpdatedTime
FROM #HoldCosts cost
GROUP BY Entityname, costtype
ORDER BY Entityname, costtype -- *** This causes an error***
) CostsMax
ON Costs.Entityname = CostsMax.entityname
AND Costs.Costtype = CostsMax.Costtype
AND Costs.UpdatedTime = CostsMax.MaxUpdatedtime
ORDER BY Costs.Entityname, Costs.costtype
-- *** 要做到这一点,有几个选项:
-- 添加一个无关的 TOP 子句,这看起来有点像 hack:
SELECT * FROM #Costs Cost
SELECT TOP 99.999999 PERCENT Entityname, costtype, MAX(updatedtime) MaxUpdatedTime
FROM #HoldCosts cost
GROUP BY Entityname, costtype
ORDER BY Entityname, costtype
) CostsMax
ON Costs.Entityname = CostsMax.entityname
AND Costs.Costtype = CostsMax.Costtype
AND Costs.UpdatedTime = CostsMax.MaxUpdatedtime
ORDER BY Costs.Entityname, Costs.costtype
-- **** 创建一个临时表来订购 maxCost
SELECT Entityname, costtype, MAX(updatedtime) MaxUpdatedTime
INTO #MaxCost
FROM #HoldCosts cost
GROUP BY Entityname, costtype
ORDER BY Entityname, costtype
SELECT * FROM #Costs Cost
INNER JOIN #MaxCost CostsMax
ON Costs.Entityname = CostsMax.entityname
AND Costs.Costtype = CostsMax.Costtype
AND Costs.UpdatedTime = CostsMax.MaxUpdatedtime
ORDER BY Costs.Entityname, costs.costtype
其他可能的解决方法可能是 CTE 或表变量。但是每种情况都需要您确定最适合您的方法。我倾向于首先查看临时表。对我来说,它是清晰而直接的。YMMV。