此方法适用于延迟、异步和延迟加载 因为您知道脚本的文件名,以及它是否是唯一的
/* see
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/984510/what-is-my-script-src-url/984656#984656
* http://www.glennjones.net/Post/809/getAttributehrefbug.htm
* iterate all script to find script with right filename
* this work with async and defer (but your script MUST have a unique filemane)
* mozilla support document.currentScript and we use it, if is set
* this will not work with local script loaded by jQuery.getScript(),
* since there is no script tag added into the dom. the script is only evaluated in global space.
* http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.getScript/
* to fix this odd, you can add a reference in meta ( meta[name=srcipt][content=url] )
* when you load the script
var scriptFilename = 'jquery.plugins.template.js'; // don't forget to set the filename
var scriptUrl = (function() {
if (document.currentScript) { // support defer & async (mozilla only)
return document.currentScript.src;
} else {
var ls,s;
var getSrc = function (ls, attr) {
var i, l = ls.length, nf, s;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
s = null;
if (ls[i].getAttribute.length !== undefined) {
s = ls[i].getAttribute(attr, 2);
if (!s) continue; // tag with no src
nf = s;
nf = nf.split('?')[0].split('/').pop(); // get script filename
if (nf === scriptFilename) {
return s;
ls = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
s = getSrc(ls, 'src');
if ( !s ) { // search reference of script loaded by jQuery.getScript() in meta[name=srcipt][content=url]
ls = document.getElementsByTagName('meta');
s = getSrc(ls, 'content');
if ( s ) return s;
return '';
var scriptPath = scriptUrl.substring(0, scriptUrl.lastIndexOf('/'))+"/";
带有它的 jquery 插件模板:
https ://github.com/mkdgs/mkdgs-snippet/blob/master/javascript/jquery.plugins.template.js
注意:这不适用于 jQuery.getScript() 加载的本地脚本,因为 dom 中没有添加脚本标签。该脚本仅在全局空间中进行评估。
function loadScript(url,callback) {
if ( $('[src="'+url+'"]').length ) return true; // is already loaded
// make a reference of the loaded script
if ( $('meta[content="'+url+'"]', $("head")).length ) return true; // is already loaded
var meta = document.createElement('meta');
meta.content = url;
meta.name = 'script';
return $.ajax({
cache: true,
url: u,
dataType: 'script',
async: false,
success : function (script) {
try {
if ( typeof callback == 'function' ) callback();
} catch (error) {