所以我正在尝试搜索 LDAP 以填充 CSV 文件。用户 ID 是通过解析文本文件获得的。我想在 LDAP 中搜索用户 ID (mailNickname)、FName (givenName)、LName (sn)、“OU”、pwdLastSet。我如何使用搜索的过滤器方面,因为我不断收到“错误过滤器”错误。
use xSV;
use Net::LDAP;
use Term::ReadKey;
# use strict;
$debug_on = 1; # This will enable some debugging messages.
if (defined($ARGV[0])) {
$input = $ARGV[0];
} else {
print "No input file specified! Assuming MKSGroupsoutput.txt...\n";
$input = "MKSGroupsoutput.txt";
if (defined($ARGV[1])) {
$output = $ARGV[1];
} else {
$output = $input . ".csv";
open GROUPS, "< $input" or die "ERROR: Can't open input file: '$input'\n";
print "INPUT: $input\nOUTPUT: $output\n";
sub debug {
if ($debug_on == 1) {
print "@_";
my $csv = Text::xSV->new(
filename => $output,
header => [
my ($inputname, $fname, $lname, @name, $uname, $pwordinput, $pword, $domain, $line, $ldap, $bindstring, $root, $pword, $base_dn);
#User driven input to connect to LDAP. ReadMode 2 keeps password hidden, the reset back to 0.
print "Please enter your Full Name: ";
$inputname = <STDIN>;
print "Please enter your password: ";
ReadMode 2;
$pwordinput = <STDIN>;
ReadMode 0;
#Builds the LDAP CN value from user input. Trims \n off user input values
$inputname = substr($inputname,0,-1);
@name = split(' ', $inputname);
$fname = ucfirst(@name[0]);
$lname = ucfirst(@name[1]);
$pword = substr($pwordinput,0,-1);
$uname = $lname ."\\, " . $fname;
$bindstring = "CN=" . $uname . ",OU=User,DC=hq,DC=name,DC=com";
#LDAP Connection parameters
$base_dn = "OU=User,DC=hq,DC=name,DC=com";
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new('ldap://local', onerror =>'die');
$ldap->bind($bindstring, password => $pword); #Sometimes the BIND fails (1 out of 10 times)
$root = $ldap->root_dse;
#Parses text file
while ($line = <GROUPS>) {
if ($line =~ m/^ user .*/) {
$line =~ s/^ user.\s//;
my ($searchoutput, $user, @entries, $entry, $href, $strDomain, $strUsername, $strDN, $arrSplitResponse, $strLName, $strFName, $strUserType);
$user = $line;
$user = "mailNickname: " . $user;
$searchoutput = $ldap->search(filter=>$user,base=>$base_dn); # ERROR HERE
@entries = $searchoutput->entries;
foreach $entry ( @entries ) {
print "DN: ", $entry->dn, "\n"; #NEVER ENTERS THIS LOOP