我试图在序列图中添加一条消息以从三个表中选择数据。目前我在图中有 3 个表对象,如何添加箭头以转到所有三个表?或者我可以将表格分组为一个对象 - 我将如何做到这一点?
我试图在序列图中添加一条消息以从三个表中选择数据。目前我在图中有 3 个表对象,如何添加箭头以转到所有三个表?或者我可以将表格分组为一个对象 - 我将如何做到这一点?
I would wonder why you'd need three "table objects". You're using Sparx, which is an object-oriented modeling tool. Shouldn't you be thinking about the objects those represent instead of tables?
If it's three separate table mappers, you need three separate "arrows", because they're three separate method calls, right?
As for the return value, you can choose to have one if the method returns something besides void
Worry less about the UML and more about the problem you're trying to solve.
I'd also counsel you to forget about diagramming to the same level of detail as writing code. You're trying to communicate an idea here, not produce an engineering drawing. Diagram enough to get started and then write some code that you can actually execute and unit test. Once that's working, reverse engineer it into Sparx if you want all the gory details.