我刚刚为游戏启动了一个 AI 机器人nethack
/* idea from rpick%ucqais@uccba.uc.edu
* prevent automated rerolling of characters
* test input (fd0) so that tee'ing output to get a screen dump still
* works
* also incidentally prevents development of any hack-o-matic programs
/* added check for window-system type -dlc */
if (!strcmp(windowprocs.name, "tty"))
if (!isatty(0))
error("You must play from a terminal.");
我正在使用 JavaScript(更具体地说是 Node.js),由于上述原因,它不会让我从程序中播放,即使我正在生成一个 bash shell 子进程并告诉它 start nethack
"use strict";
var env = { TERM: 'tty' };
for (var k in process.env) {
env[k] = process.env[k];
var terminal = require('child_process').spawn('bash', [], {
env: env,
terminal.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
console.log('stdout: ' + data);
terminal.on('exit', function (code) {
console.log('child process exited with code ' + code);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
stdout: You must play from a terminal.
child process exited with code 1
我可以使用什么 Node.js/JavaScript(而不是任何其他语言或框架,如果可能的话)黑魔法来解决这个问题?