对于日历,我从数据库中读取开始日期和结束日期,并且 dateRange 函数为每个键创建一个包含一天的数组,如下所示:
Array (
[0] => Array ( [0] => 2012-04-01 [1] => 2012-04-02 [2] => 2012-04-03 [3] => 2012-04-04 [4] => 2012-04-05 )
[1] => Array ( [0] => 2012-04-06 [1] => 2012-04-07 [2] => 2012-04-08 [3] => 2012-04-09 )
[2] => Array ( [0] => 2012-04-10 [1] => 2012-04-11 [2] => 2012-04-12 [3] => 2012-04-13 [4] => 2012-04-14 [5] => 2012-04-15 )
[3] => Array ( [0] => 2012-04-17 [1] => 2012-04-18 [2] => 2012-04-19 [3] => 2012-04-20 [4] => 2012-04-21 )
[4] => Array ( [0] => 2012-04-24 [1] => 2012-04-25 [2] => 2012-04-26 [3] => 2012-04-27 [4] => 2012-04-28 )
逻辑是从第一天到最后一天。如果不是,echo free,如果是,检查是否是这个dateRange的最后一天,如果是,增加子数组的key...
for ($i=1;$i<=$this_maxdays_month;$i++) {
if($i<10) {$i2="0".$i;} else {$i2=$i;} //if $i is 1-9, add a leading zero
if($i==1) {$month_begin=date('M',$this_date)." ";} else {$month_begin="";} //if 1st of month add e.g. Jan
if($total_dates[$array_i]) {
if (in_array("$year-month-$i2",$total_dates[$array_i])) {
echo "not available";
// now check if the last key in date range, if yes, increase key -> does not work!
if (key(array_slice($total_dates[$array_i], -1, 1, TRUE))+1==$i) {$array_i++;}
else {
echo "available";
if (!array_key_exists($count_max_array_keys,$total_dates[$array_i])) {$array_i++;}
1st April 2012: booked
2nd April 2012: booked
3rd April 2012: booked (this is the last date of this dateRange, so increase key)
4th April 2012: (not in array anymore) available
5th April 2012: available
6th April 2012: (is in the next dateRange) booked
更新 2:如果我if ( (count($total_dates[$array_i])-1)+1==$i) {$array_i++;}
在与之前的 array_slice 完全相同的位置使用,则会发生以下情况:
row-number $array_i output of the count-statement
1: 0 4
2: 0 4
3: 0 4
4: 0 4
5: 1 3 (this is the last key, but here $array_i should still be 0, as the increase happens after the output, and why is suddenly count only 3?)
6-30: 1 3 (it never increases again)