我发现执行此操作的方法涉及使用 offset() 函数(详见 Pawitan, Y. (2001) 'In All Likelihood' p172)。@BenBolker 和 @GavinSimpson 给出的答案比这更好,因为他们引用了可以完成所有这些工作以及更多功能的包。我发布这个是因为它是另一种方式,而且,“手动”绘制东西有时对学习很有好处。它教会了我很多。
sexi <- as.numeric(data.frame$sex)-1 #recode a factor as 0/1 numeric
beta <- numeric(60) #Set up vector to Store the betas
deviance <- numeric(60) #Set up vector to Store the deviances
for (i in 1:60){
beta[i] <- 0.5 - (0.01*i)
#A vector of values either side of the fitted MLE (in this case -0.22)
mod <- update(model,
.~. - sex #Get rid of the fitted variable
+ offset( I(sexi*beta[i]) ) #Replace with offset term.
deviance[i] <- mod$deviance #Store i'th deviance
best <- which.min(deviance)
#Find the index of best deviance. Should be the fitted value from the model
deviance0 <- deviance - deviance[best]
#Scale deviance to zero by subtracting best deviance
betahat <- beta[best] #Store best beta. Should be the fitted value.
stderror <- 0.12187 #Store the std error of sex, found in summary(model)
quadratic <- ((beta-betahat)^2)*(1/(stderror^2))
#Quadratic reference function to check quadratic assumption against
lines(beta,quadratic,lty=2,col=3) #Add quadratic reference line
abline(3.84,0,lty=3) #Add line at Deviance = 3.84