今天午饭前我拿到了三星 GT-i9250 Galaxy Nexus - 冰淇淋三明治。我们将使用它来开发 3D Native Apps。


  • 连接 USB 然后在终端上运行命令行:

    $ adb devices
    List of devices attached 
    0149C6F617016002    device
    $ lsusb | grep 04e8
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04e8:6860 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
  • 然后设置文件:

    # nano /etc/udev/rules.d/91-android.rules
    SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”04e8″, SYMLINK+=”android_adb”, MODE=”0666″


     chmod 644 /etc/udev/rules.d/91-android.rules
     service udev restart
  • 编译:

接下来我编译了程序并尝试在安卓智能手机上运行它。编译器显示我的 Android 设备通过 USB 连接,并要求我选择它来运行程序。然后:

    Android Launch!
    adb is running normally.
    Performing android.app.NativeActivity activity launch
    Automatic Target Mode: Unable to detect device compatibility. Please select a target device.
    ERROR: Application requires API version 15. Device API version is 14 (Android 4.0.2).
    Launch cancelled!



2 回答 2


Yes, if you want to develop applications for API level 15, you will need to update your device to 4.0.3.

Another option is - if you're not using any features from API level 15, to just change your project down to API level 14 (Project/Properties/Android will let you choose any installed API level). That will allow the application to run on any Android 4.0 phone.

于 2012-03-19T16:29:25.927 回答

我相信错误是不言自明的。要么在清单中为 MinSdkVersion 设置较低的值,要么使用具有合适 API 版本的设备。

于 2012-03-19T16:29:34.897 回答