Using an MVC3 .net controller on the back-end, I am performing an HttpPost to submit a file via the HttpContext.
When the server reads the file, a list of strings is returned with the upload results.
So far, I have been able to get two scenarios working:
1) Return the list of strings as a single, tab-delimited string as a JsonResult
string tabSeparatedMessages = "";
foreach (string message in messageLog)
tabSeparatedMessages = tabSeparatedMessages + message;
if (message != messageLog[messageLog.Count - 1])
tabSeparatedMessages = tabSeparatedMessages + '\n';
return this.Json(new
success = true,
total = messageLog.Count,
data = tabSeparatedMessages
}, "text/html", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
2) Return the list of strings in a text file as an ActionResult
string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt";
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName))
foreach (string message in messageLog)
return File(fileName, "text/plain", "UPLOAD_RESULTS.txt");
My problem is that I want elements from each of these methods but am having difficulty combining the two. I want the JsonResult so that I can return a boolean 'success' value to release a modal, waiting message on the client. I want the ActionResult so that the client can simply download a file instead of parsing the list of strings into the GUI components.
Is there a way to return a text file to be downloaded as part of the JsonResult or return Json data with the ActionResult?
Thank you for reading