I'd like to script FlexBuilder so that I can run debug or profile without having to switch to FlexBuilder and manually clicking the button (or using the key combo). Is this possible without writing an extension?

To be more specific, this is exactly what I want to do: I want to create a TextMate command that talks to FlexBuilder and makes it run the debug target for the currently selected project. TextMate already has support for interacting with Xcode in this way, and it would be great to be able to do the same with FlexBuilder.


3 回答 3


When compiling I use Ant and have full control over that from TextMate, what I want is to be able to launch the debugger and the profiler. The command line debugger is unusable and there is no other profiler available than the one in FlexBuilder.

于 2008-08-13T15:19:19.180 回答

Since FlexBuilder essentially is an extended version of Eclipse, any tools/scripts for doing the same in Eclipse should work for FlexBuilder aswell. I couldn't find any tools like this googling it, have you considered doing away with FlexBuilder completely, there are plenty of guides for using the mxmlc (or fcsh) compilers directly from your editor.

于 2008-08-13T13:34:49.077 回答

我不知道 Eclipse 是否有这样的插件,但如果没有,您可以编写一个,因为它应该很容易。

如果您要调用的特定命令显示在Windows/Preferences - General/Keys中,您可以创建一个插件,从 TextMate 获取命令(我不知道 TextMate 使用什么协议、套接字或其他东西)并执行特定操作与也出现在首选项中的命令相关联。

于 2008-10-03T12:26:39.617 回答